We would love to have you join the 4-H community in Hall County! For more information on what 4-H has to offer, check out our 4-H welcome packet (pdf).
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Would you like to become a Cottage Food Producer before the holiday season? Nebraska Extension can help you! A live Zoom class will be offered on October 30th at 6 PM CT. The class lasts about 1 ½ hours and fulfills the food safety training requirement. The cost of the class is $25. Upon completion, you can register with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture and become a registered producer that night! Register at https://go.unl.edu/cottagefoodtraining
Are you interested in growing produce and selling at farmer’s markets, direct consumer sales or with Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) groups? Here is your chance to gain valuable information from Nebraska Extension educators and fellow growers across four different locations in Nebraska in September and October.
¡Una oportunidad fantástica para que los emprendedores y dueños de pequeños negocios latinos se conecten, aprendan y crezcan!
Elija la locación que mas le convenga y/o la fecha. No hay excusa para perderse esta conferencia. Presentaciones sobre temas de negocios, educación y conexión con expertos, profesionales, proveedores y vendedores de diversos campos
¡No pierdas la oportunidad de participar en este evento!
Para más detalles sobre la registración, temas de las sesiones, o sobre el evento, por favor, no dude en preguntar o visitar nuestro sitio web.
¡Esperamos verte allí y ayudarte a llevar tu negocio al siguiente nivel!
Join us for the next programs in the GRO Big Red Virtual Learning series.
These free webinar series - delivered via Zoom - are a great opportunity to join experts from Nebraska Extension to learn and ask questions! All programs are on the second Wednesday of the month from Noon-1pm CT. Note the date/time change from 2023.
Each of the STEM Backpacks contains:
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Grocery Industry Summit to address retail technology, competition
FFA students gather information on the Ag industry and careers at field day
Nebraska in the national news: August 2024
Nebraska Extension’s program receives NIFA Grant to support STEM Education for at-risk youth
Lincoln, Neb. — The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension has been awarded a five-year grant from the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) through the Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk (CYFAR) Program.
CYFAR is a national initiative developed to meet locally identified needs, through quality research-based programs for vulnerable, at-risk, low-income, and low-resource children, youth, and families to promote positive life outcomes.