Hall County 4-H Fine Arts Night

Boy playing guitar

A Combination of Speech & Talent Contests

Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 6:30 pm, College Park Auditorium

Excited about 4-H? Express yourself verbally through the 4-H Public Speaking Contest or perform a talent at the 4-H Fine Arts Night. Youth have the opportunity to write a Speech or a Public Service Announcement (PSA) that incorporates the topic of 4-H and deliver it to an audience.  The 4-H Public Speaking Contest helps youth develop skills for communicating about current issues to real audiences, learn how to organize and prepare a speech, develop speech delivery skills, learn how to present themselves to others, and develop self-confidence.

Registration forms due to the Hall County Extension Office by February 25, 2025.

For questions or more information, contact LaDonna at lobermiller2@unl.edu or (308) 385-5088.

*The Nebraska 4-H Premier Communication Event will be held in Lincoln in June 2025. It will feature a variety of state-level contests, including prepared speech, impromptu speech, illustrated presentation, radio public service announcement, and video communication. Youth will have chances to explore UNL East Campus, participate in learning sessions and tours, and have fun with friends! 

Learn more about the Premier Communication Event: 4h.unl.edu/premier-communication-event.