The 4-H Culinary Challenge will be held June/July 2025 (date TBD) at the NE State Fairgrounds. Call the Extension Office at (308) 385-5088 to register.
How does the 4-H Culinary Challenge work?
- Plan a menu for an indoor or outdoor meal. Write or type a menu card and make sure to list the occasion. (Example: lunch for bike hike.)
- Prepare one of the foods from your menu.
- Prepare a table setting for one or two people.
- The judge will talk to each participant. The food, menu and the table setting are all of equal importance in the judging.
- Make sure to check our the Culinary Challenge Information Packet for more details!
State Fair Culinary Challenge - If you are interested in participating in the State Fair Culinary Challenge please give Cami a call at the Extension Office (308) 385-5088.