Food Safety in Hall County

Person washing hands

ServSafe® Manager

This nationally recognized food safety training and certification program by the National Restaurant Association provides the latest science-based information on food safety and best practices in the industry. This course is designed for food service managers and supervisory staff in restaurants, hospitals, schools, long-term care facilities and other food-handling establishments. Here is the registration information for upcoming classes:

Upcoming ServSafe Dates and Locations

DateLocationPrinter-Friendly PDF Copy of BrochureOnline Registration Link
March 11, 2025Grand IslandPrintable brochureRegister Online
April 23, 2025KearneyPrintable brochureRegister Online


More ServSafe classes offered by Nebraska Extension


ServSafe® Food Handler Program

This training is a basic food safety class that focuses on four key principles: controlling time and temperature when handling food, ensuring proper personal hygiene, preventing cross-contamination and proper cleaning and sanitizing. Below is a list of upcoming classes or contact Cami Wells at (30) 385-5088 to schedule a time for the class that is convenient for your facility.

DateLocationRegistration Flyer
January 28, 2025Ord, NEPrintable Flyer


Cooking Safely for a Crowd Workshop

There's a lot to learn about safe food preparation and handling and if you don't do it for a living and you may not be aware of all the special techniques involved in cooking for a large group of people.  You cook for a crowd if you volunteer to prepare, serve or handle food at a banquet, church supper, pancake breakfast, family reunion picnic, concession stand, fair booth, soup supper, etc.  Call Cami at 308-385-5088 to schedule a class.

Barf Bucket Food Safety Training for Child Care Providers

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus. Those who contract this nasty bug may experience gastroenteritis, inflammation of the stomach and intestines. This leads to diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

It only takes a very small amount of the norovirus particles to make you sick and it can spread easily in enclosed places such as day care centers. This training is designed to teach all child care providers on the importance of the proper way to clean up bodily fluids to avoid spreading disease.

For more information contact Cami Wells at (308) 385-5088 or

ServSafe is a registered trademark of the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, and used under license by National Restaurant Association Solutions, LLC.
