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Discussing Current and Honest Information About Best Integrating Technologies Into Resilient Strategies

The realm of digital agriculture is ever evolving at a pace that can be challenging to keep up with. Our mission is to help navigate these technologies by discussing current and honest information about these technologies to best integrate them into resilient strategies. The "FarmBits" podcast will explore topics in digital agriculture in a well-rounded and accessible way, taking the shine off of new technologies through interviews with academic experts, farmers, and industry specialists.

Mobile iGrow Educational displays have been making the rounds to Hall County elementary schools!  Each interactive display includes a teaching guide, hands-on activities, and an iGrow activity worksheet, targeting elementary students.

The displays are like a “mini-field trip at the school” reported one teacher. Focused on Nebraska school standards in math, social studies, and STEM, the displays increase students’ knowledge of where our food comes from, careers, and how agriculture is important in our everyday lives.

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North Platte native donates tree to Tree Lane Road

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