4-H Ice Cream Roll

Ice Cream Cones

The 4-H Ice Cream Roll will be held June/July, 2025 (date TBD) at the NE State Fairgrounds.  Call the Extension Office at (308) 385-5088 to register for a time.

Click here for more Ice Cream Roll information, recipe and scoresheet.

Who may participate?  All enrolled 4-H'ers (ages 5-18) may participate in the Ice Cream Roll. Call the Extension Office (308-385-5088) to pre-register and reserve a time. Starting times are every half hour from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Arrive at the time slot you have selected to begin measuring, mixing and rolling.

What recipe should I use?  Use the recipe included in this packet.  You may make vanilla or flavored ice cream.  See attached sheet for some flavor variations or design your own.

What do I need to bring? 

  • Milk (in a cooler or thermos)
  • Whipping cream or half and half (in a cooler or thermos)
  • Sugar
  • Vanilla
  • 1 large coffee can with lid
  • 1 small coffee can with lid
  • Measuring cups (liquid and dry)
  • Measuring spoons
  • Stirring spoon or rubber spatula
  • Clock or watch for timing
  • A towel and cloth for clean-up
  • Gloves may also be helpful to keep hands warm while rolling

We will provide the crushed ice, rock salt and tape.  Do NOT measure ingredients at home.  Bring a larger quantity than called for in the recipe and measure them as you make your ice cream.  If you have trouble finding coffee cans, we have a limited supply at the Extension Office.  Call to reserve one if needed.  A plastic lid on both ends of the larger can makes it easier to roll.

Who can be my rolling partner?  Your rolling partner may be a friend, 4-H member, younger brother or sister, parent, grandparent, etc. 

How and when do I get judged?  The judge will watch while you measure and mix your ice cream.  You will then roll your ice cream.  When you have finished rolling, you will take the small can (containing the ice cream) to the judge who will taste the ice cream and visit with you.  See judging scoresheet above.

What else do I need to know?  Parents and leaders are NOT to assist with any part of the ice cream preparation except to be a rolling partner if selected. (Parents may assist Clover Kids, 4-H age 5-7.)