About Nebraska Extension in Gage County

Nebraska Extension in Gage County delivers research based education and information to citizens throughout the county.  These educational programs, delivered via a variety of methods, are offered through a federal, state and county partnership arrangement.  Our objective is to provide programs and other educational resources locally. 

Empowering youth, Strengthening families. Advancing agriculture. Managing natural resources.  Creating financial security.  Building successful businesses and communities. 

We don't just want you to have knowledge.  We help you turn knowledge into "know how"-giving you the confidence, skill, and understanding to make a change, achieve your objectives, improve your effectiveness or make your life better in some way. 

Gage County Extension Office 

Hours: Monday -Friday 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

1115 W Scott

Beatrice, NE 68310

