About 4-H

How is 4-H Organized?

Many people think of 4-H as an independent organization. 4-H is a national youth development program delivered by Cooperative Extension , through the United States Department of Agriculture.

4-H Extension Staff members are supported with resources from Land Grant Universities across the nation. Just take a look at our research-based curriculum and you can feel complete confidence in 4-H as a sound, educational organization. And, we've been around for over 100 years!

4-H Extension Educators work for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and serve as faculty members for the University, the Land Grant University in Nebraska. The extension staff members who give primary leadership to the Dodge County 4-H Program are:

Parent and Guardian Roles

4-H Parent & Guardian Roles

4-H is a family program, a place where parents and children can learn and grow together. In 4-H, you, as the parent or guardian, are very important. You are always invited and encouraged to participate in all 4-H club activities. We recognize every family's schedule is different and you may not be able to attend every club function, but there are many different ways that you can contribute to your child's 4-H group.

Your 4-H club leader will want to know about your interests and talents, and how you would like to support your child's 4-H group. Because 4-H has so many diverse experiences, we have discovered that every adult can find a parent volunteer role that matches their interests and the club's needs. Some possible helping roles include providing refreshments, supplies, or other resources for a club meeting. Helping members with their projects, chaperoning a club field trip, organize the club's service project, or coordinating the club's end-of-the-year recognition program are some more hands on ways you can become involved. Your club leader may have other suggestions.

As a parent or guardian, these are the following roles you will want to try and fulfill:

  • Provide transportation for your child to and from 4-H events.
  • Help your child learn to recite the 4-H pledge.
  • Attend 4-H club functions with your child whenever possible. Children 5-7 (Clover Kid members) should always have a parent or guardian attend meetings with them.
  • Guide your child as they select a 4-H project and help them develop goals that are challenging, but also realistic. Encourage their project work by making it a family learning experience.
  • If your child serves in a leadership role within the club, help him/her fulfill the duties of the office.
  • Read the weekly Dodge County 4-H Blast so you will know the details of upcoming special events, dates and deadlines. You will automatically start receiving this publication when you or your child enroll in a 4-H club.
  • If you have online access, visit the county 4-H website for the latest information and resources at:
  • The 4-H staff will provide countywide training on portfolios, presentations, project workshops and other core 4-H learning experiences. Try to participate in these classes and workshops. By understanding more about our various 4-H programs, you can help your child excel and take advantage of all that 4-H has to offer.
  • Attend your club's end-of-the-year celebration with your child, and attend the county wide 4-H Achievement Celebration as a family. Recognition always means more to children when their family is there to share it with them.

What is a 4-H Project?

What Is A 4-H Project?

Each 4-H Member will have an opportunity to select one or more projects to learn about during the year. A project is simply a topic, or subject, the member wants to explore. The member will focus on increasing his knowledge and skills on this topic during the year. Projects are completely self-paced. A member may focus on a project over the whole year, or only spend a few months on a specific project. Similarly, a member may choose to explore the same topic for many years, gaining a real, in-depth knowledge of the project. Another member may prefer to explore a wide variety of projects during his/her years in 4-H. In most cases, the member will end up with one or more finished exhibits to enter in the fair from each project he/she selects. With nearly 150 projects available, there is something to interest every child.

There is not a limit to the number of projects a member can select; however parents and leaders should help guide members in setting realistic, but challenging goals. It is always better to complete fewer projects that reflect quality workmanship then to do a "rush job" and complete a lot of poorer quality projects.

Project work is at the heart of 4-H. As youth work to complete a 4-H project, a lot more is happening than "just" learning new skills. In fact, project work encompasses all four "H's" - head, heart, hands and health. Take for instance a young person working on a sewing project...

Project-related activities engage . . . 

Mental development: gaining deeper knowledge and reasoning abilities

  • Learning how to select a pattern that is properly sized
  • Utilizing smart consumer skills when shopping for fabric, equipment, and sewing notions
  • Calculating the correct amount of fabric to purchases for various fabric widths 

Emotional development: developing interests, appreciation and wholesome attitudes

  • Working as a team with fellow club members to select a sewing project to complete
  • Caring for others by sewing baby blankets for the hospital

Skills development: ability to do, skill in doing, and the habit of doing

  • Demonstrating the ability to properly thread a sewing machine bobbin
  • Becoming skilled in sewing straight and curved seams that follow the correct seam allowance
  • Completing sewing project utilizing correct techniques 

Physical development: understanding and appreciation of growing and changing body

  • Learning to select garments that are flattering for body shape
  • Developing poise and demonstrating good body posture when modeling the garment in 4-H Fashion Revue

How do we select a project?

In most cases, club members and leaders choose one club project they want to complete during the year. Members will work on that project together at club meetings. A club leader, parent volunteer, community resource person, or perhaps an older 4-H member will teach the club's project lesson. Additional projects can be selected by 4-H members and they will be able to work on those outside of their club meetings. They may seek guidance from their parents, leaders, community organizations, or other experts in the field to assist them in acquiring these new skills.

What is a 4-H project manual?

To help guide your learning experience, 4-H offers project manuals. These written manuals provide age-appropriate, hands-on lessons to help youth acquire new skills and knowledge. There are youth manuals and adult helper manuals. Typically there the manuals are developed in a series with three or four levels. These manuals are researched based through Universities nation wide.
Please keep in mind that you are not required to utilize a project manual to guide your child's 4-H project, but you will find it very helpful. Also, do not feel like you have to complete every learning activity listed in the project manual. Think of the project manual as a very useful resource for you, rather than a "to do" list of activities that must be completed.

How do we find out what 4-H project manuals are available?

The Nebraska 4-H Curriculum page has links to curriculum guides available for sale (prices vary) and download.  To help in selecting a project, you are welcome to view our stock and purchase project manuals at the Dodge County Extension Office. 

4-H Projects & Career Clusters

Each of the eight curriculum areas highlights careers that are related to those particular 4-H projects. These eight curriculum areas provide projects related to the Career Clusters that are linked to Nebraska School Standards.  

1. Animal Science –Youth interested in these 4-H projects may be interested in the following careers: Agribusiness, animal nutrition, business financial management, farm/ranch management or travel and tourism.

2. Communication & Expressive Arts –Youth interested in these 4-H projects may be interested in the following careers: Account Planning and Management, Advertising, Marketing, Interactive Media, Performing Arts or Public Relations.

3. Consumer & Family Science –Youth interested in these 4-H projects may be interested in the following careers: Banking and Related Services, Business Financial Management, Family and Community Services, Foods Product Development, Professional Sales and Marketing or Training Coordinator.

4. Environmental Education & Earth Sciences – Youth interested in these 4-H projects may be interested in the following careers: Biologist, Natural Resources Systems, Plant Systems, Seed, Fertilizer or Chemical Sales, State and Federal Regulatory Agencies or Travel and Tourism.

5. Healthy Lifestyles Education – Youth interested in these 4-H projects may be interested in the following careers: Counseling and Mental Health Services, Family and Community Services, Food Chemist, Food Safety Inspector, Restaurant and Food/Beverage Services or Therapeutic Services.

6. Leadership & Citizenship – Youth interested in these 4-H projects may be interested in the following careers: Early Childhood Development, Family and Community Services, Foreign Service, Professional Support Services, Public Management and Administration or Teaching/Training.

7. Plant Science –Youth interested in these 4-H projects may be interested in the following careers: Crop Management Consultant, Elevator and Co-op Management, Governmental Service Agencies,
Natural Resource Management, Plant and Soil Analysis, or Soil and Water Conservation.

8. Science, Engineering & Technology -Youth interested in these 4-H projects may be interested in the following careers: Environmental Consulting, Government Agencies, Information Support and Services, Printing Technology, Programming and Software Development, Security and Protective Services or Telecommunications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do the four H's stand for on the 4-H clover emblem?

The H's stand for:  Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. Club members pledge their Head, Heart, Hands, and Health (the four H's) as they recite the 4-H pledge at meetings.

What is the 4-H pledge?

I pledge,

my head to clearer thinking
my heart to greater loyalty
my hands to larger service, and
my health to better living, for
my club, my community,
my country, and my world

 What is the 4-H motto?

To Make the Best Better

What are the 4-H colors?

The 4-H colors are green and white.

How did 4-H begin?

4-H began in the early 1900's as Corn Clubs for boys and Canning Clubs for girls. Although the program has changed a lot through the years, it has always been a program designed to help children become productive members of their communities. The national 4-H program celebrated its 100th birthday in 2002.

Do I have to live on a farm to join 4-H?

No. Although 4-H began as a program for rural children, today 4-H is available for ALL CHILDREN whether they live on a farm, or in the city. Dodge County 4-H has a focus in STEM programs - science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM fields makes connections to all backgrounds, urban and rural, and prepare youth for success in the modern economy.

Do boys and girls attend different clubs?

No, all 4-H clubs are open to both boys and girls.

How old do you have to be to join a 4-H club?

Children can join a 4-H club if they are 5 by January 1 of the current year and they can stay involved until their final year of eligibility – the year they are 18 on January 1. In addition, many colleges offer collegiate 4-H clubs, including the University of Nebraska-Lincoln!

What is the 4-H year timeline?

The 4-H year begins in October with enrollment opening and really kicks into gear in February with Nebraska 4-H Awareness month. Dodge County 4-H Awareness month is in April. Contests, workshops, shows, fairs, and other activities occur from February through July. Youth work all year long to complete projects to enter in the Dodge County Fair in August. The year wraps up with the Nebraska State Fair in September and the Dodge County 4-H Achievement Celebration in November.

Can we join 4-H at any time during the year?

All youth must be enrolled in 4honline by June 15 to be eligible to exhibit in the Dodge County Fair, Fremont 4-H Expo or any other competitive 4-H events. Members can join 4-H clubs at any time at the discretion of club leaders, but participation will be limited if it is past the June 15 deadline.

Are clubs organized by age divisions?

4-H clubs operate best when the members are in a similar age group, preferably within a couple of years of each other. However, some clubs operate with children from a wide variety of ages. It is a little more challenging to keep everyones interest when there is a wide age span, but there are also the benefits of younger youth learning from the knowledge and example of older youth, and the leadership opportunities for older youth.

What are the age divisions for competitive events?

A child must be at least eight years old as of January 1 of the current program year to compete in any 4-H event. Most competition is held in the following age divisions: Junior (8-11), Intermediate (12-14) and Senior (15-18). However, age divisions do vary from program to program. Always carefully review the registration information for 4-H events.

What is a Clover Kid?

Children ages five to eight are known in 4-H as Clover Kids. These children are full 4-H members and can participate in a wide range of programs and activities, including the fair. However, because research has shown that competition at this age is detrimental, Clover Kids are not allowed to compete. Clover Kids do participate in many contests and receive participation ribbons. Their work isn't judged or compared to others.

What does it cost to join a 4-H club?

There is a $15.00 county membership fee that is paid at the time of enrollment. Some clubs will assess dues for each member to cover the cost of the project supplies. Dues vary from club to club depending on the projects selected. Each 4-Her is also required to pay for their own 4-H manuals at the Nebraska Extension Office. Cost varies, however, the average is approximately $5.00 - $10.00 per manual. If you are planning to exhibit livestock at the county fair there is an additional fee for beef or swine ear tags ($3.00 each). The Nebraska State Fair has a separate set of fees that include nominations, entries, and DNA samples for some species. Depending on your 4-H project, the cost will vary according to your supply needs. Grants and scholarships are available for club activities, member projects, and special event participation.

How do I stay informed about 4-H opportunities?

The Dodge County 4-H Weekly Blast  and webpage will give you all the details about upcoming programs.