Youth for the Quality Care of Animals

Dakota YQCA - Youth for the Quality Care of Animals

Nebraska 4-H requires all youth enrolled in livestock projects to complete annual quality assurance certification through Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA). YQCA is a national multi-species quality assurance program focused on three core pillars: food safety, animal well-being, and character development.


YQCA certification is required for all 4-H members enrolled in any of the following projects:

  • Beef (bucket calf, feeder calf, breeding beef, market beef)
  • Dairy Cattle
  • Goat (breeding meat goat, dairy goat, meat goat)
  • Poultry
  • Rabbit
  • Sheep (breeding sheep, market sheep)
  • Swine (breeding swine, market swine)

Annual Training

Nebraska 4-H members ages 8-18, who are enrolled in any of the livestock projects listed above are required to participate in an annual YQCA training. Annual training requirements may be satisfied by completing either an online web-based training course or a face-to-face instructor-led training course.

Web-Based Training

Web-based annual training is available through the YQCA learning management system. The online YQCA course costs $12 per individual regardless of age.

Each session purchased includes three modules - a knowledge builder, a skills lab, and a quiz. The knowledge builder is where content is delivered. The skills lab provides an opportunity to apply the content. The quiz test knowledge. To receive certification, 80% must be achieved on the 10-question quiz. These modules, completed in their entirety, will provide 2-3 hours of experience. Features of the online modules include:

  • Characters at each age level to guide youth through the course.
  • Free navigation within the course so youth can spend as much or as little time on a particular topic based on their personal needs.
  • Variety of learning opportunities to accommodate various learning styles and modalities.
  • Audio button on each slide so youth can listen to audio rather than read the on-screen text.

Face-to-Face Training

Face-to-Face YQCA training is also available to satisfy annual training requirements. Please note that these training courses must be facilitated by a YQCA Certified Instructor. In-person YQCA training courses cost $3 per individual regardless of age.

Testing Out

Test-out options are only available to youth in the first year of Intermediate (age 12) and Senior (age 15) age levels. There is no test-out option for Juniors. If passed, youth will not be required to complete the annual training requirements for the remainder of their current age level (Intermediates: 12-14; Seniors: 15-18). Each test consists of 50 randomly selected questions and has a pass rate of 80% or better for certification. 

Participants will have only one chance to take the test-out option. If youth fail, they will not be provided another opportunity to test out of that age level. Participants who do not pass will be prompted to take the instructor-led training or web-based training annually. 

If the youth passes, payment for the completed test-out course will be required after the completion of the test. No payment is required to attempt the test. Test-out costs are:

  • Intermediate: $36 ($12 x 3 years of certification)
  • Senior: $48 ($12 x 4 years of certification).

If passed, youth will receive access to online modules that correspond with the age levels, found on the user's "My Library" page.


The deadline to complete the annual YQCA training or to test out of annual training is determined by local Extension offices. Please check your local county information to ensure that you meet the deadline for county fair exhibition.

4-H members who exhibit at the Nebraska State Fair will need to have their YQCA training requirements met by the date of entry for those respective shows.

4-H News Releases (Contests & More)

Achievement Celebration

Dakota County 4-H
4-H achievement Celebration

Swimming in February? Why yes!  Over 100 4-H families spent their Sunday evening, swimming, eating, and visiting at the annual 4-H Achievement Celebration held at the Norm Waitt YMCA. 

In this annual event Dakota and Dixon County 4-H’ers and their families started joining together to share the event.  The kids swim, the adults visit and everybody eats pizza and shares snacks and treats they brought.  Plus awards are distributed.

Part of 4-H is the youth telling or reporting about their successes or struggles during the year, what they learned, keeping records and making goals. 4-H’ers fill out an achievement application that asks them to report on their 4-H experiences during the previous year.  Youth select different project areas to apply for awards.  The award applications and reports are submitted, judged and winners selected.  While a formal presentation is not made, the awards are given to the winners at Achievement Celebration. 

Youth also have the opportunity to apply for Diamond Clover Awards.  There are six levels youth can strive to complete throughout their 4-H career. Each level has a different number of goals or accomplishments to complete, with each level becoming more challenging. 

The following youth received recognition for their Achievement applications and their Diamond Clover pins.

Junior awards:
Beef – Payton Hermelbracht
Dog – Drayden Nielsen
Horse – Payton Hermelbracht
Horticulture – Drayden Nielsen
Poultry – Lillian Bousquet
Sheep – Lucas Bousquet
Food & Nutrition – Drayden Nielsen
Heritage/Inter-generational – Payton Hermelbracht
Home Environment - Karlee Duncan
Photography -  Leah Bousquet
Public Speaking/Presentations – Payton Hermelbracht
Aerospace – Isaac Albrecht
Wildlife – Isaac Albrecht

Senior awards:
Beef  - Rylie Hermelbracht
Horse – Rylie Hermelbracht
Safety – Rylie Hermelbracht
Photography Rylie Hermelbracht
Public Speaking/Presentations – Rylie Hermelbracht

Evelyn Albrecht
Wyatt Neilsen

Diamond Clover Awards:
Level 1 -  Amethyst
Benjamin Albrecht, Jack Fichter

Level 2 – Aquamarine
Axel Kramper

Level 3 – Ruby
Isaac Albrecht, Avery Kramper, Benjimin Bousquet

Level 4 – Sapphire
Payton Hermelbracht, Audric Cavenee, Matthew Bousquet

Level 5 – Emerald
Rylie Hermelbracht

Level 6 – Diamond
Rachael Bousquet

Leader recognition
15 years serving as a leader 4-H
Cherie Conley

Member year recognition
2-year members
Beckett Barclay, Jaxson Bates, Jace Bottger, Charlee Bylsma, Halle Cain, Hendryx Carlin, Brooks Estochen, Brysten Harrison, Kyliee Kocian, Sydney Kocian, Marshall Krause, Lane Oerman, Jocelyn Overfelt, Bailey Rogers, Cora Schooley, Alexis Scott

5-Year members
Hayes Broders, Lyla Carlin, Caitlyn Church, Jacob Church, Shiloh Church, Hadley Heikes, Alayna Jessen, Axel Kramper, Carter Twito, Ethan Wells, Wyatt Wells

8-year member
Benjimen Bousquet, Makenna Maise, Savannah Overfelt, Jenna Raymer, Jayda Stallbaum, Beau Thomsen, Emma Urwiller

10-Year member
Trent Dunn, Alexis Jessen, Caedan Nelsen, Gauge Thomsen

11-year member
Matthew Bousquet, Natalee Overfelt, Brooke Raymer

12-year member
Rachael Bousquet, Hunter Heikes, Avery Overfelt

All Contest Day

Beef Show

Bucket Calf Show

Cat-Dog-Companion Animal Show

Clothing Day

Goat Show


Horse Show

LIvestock Judging Contest

Poultry Show

Rabbit Show

Round Robin Showmanship

Sheep Show

Static Exhibits

Swine Show

Grievance Policy

Purpose: Any person who feels that a violation of the rules or regulations of the Dakota-Thurston 4-H County Fairbook has occurred, must go through a protest/appeals process. This appeals process covers all 4-H contests, static exhibits, and livestock exhibits/shows.

 Set-Up: The committee would be made up of the following: (each serving for a one year term)

  • Each county 4-H Council President (2 members)
  • One other 4-H Council member from each county (2 members)
  • Two fairboard members, one from each county (2 members)
  • The chair from the committee in which the grievance was submitted (1 member)

Total: 7


  • Each grievance must be written and submitted by the exhibitor to Dakota-Thurston County Extension Office Staff.
  • Protests for pre-fair events must be filed within 24 hours or close of next business day.
  • Protests for fair exhibits/shows will not be accepted after the exhibit release time.
  • Each individual will need to pay a $50.00 filing fee for the grievance. Filing fee will be refunded upon positive settlement
  • All grievances will be kept on file for 2 years.


THE GRIEVANCE PROCESS IS NOT FOR MISSED DEADLINES. (ex. Drop/Add, Horse Entry, Horse Affidavit, Livestock Affidavit, YQCA, Pre-Fair Entries) Refer to 4-H & General Rules 8 and 19 on late policies.

Grievance Form

Substitute Showmanship

Substitute Showman - An animal must be shown by the 4-H/FFA owner who entered it, unless the exhibitor is excused by the Grievance Committee because of serious illness, disability due to an injury (e.g. broken arm or leg) or death in immediate family.  4-H/FFA member must submit a grievance form to the Grievance Committee. 

An exhibitor who has more than one animal in a class need not secure approval for another 4-H/FFA  member, (eligible to exhibit livestock) to show the additional animal in the class. All substitute showmen MUST currently be  an enrolled Dakota or Thurston County 4-H/FFA Member and will  wear an exhibitor number identifying him/her as a substitute  showman.

 Substitute Showman Form