The Council Roles, Functions & Expectations
The 4-H Council serves as a local group of elected representatives who provide guidance, solicit support and assist in carrying out programs and activities in the interest of the 4-H youth development program. The 4-H Council is made up of volunteers who are interested in promoting positive youth development and represent the demographics, delivery modes and project areas they serve. Their input, fundraising and interaction help to insure 4-H provides the needed educational programs for the area.
The major functions of the 4-H Council are:
- Develop and Secure Resources
- Establish and Support Local Policy
- Advise Development of Local Program Plan
- Advocate for Youth & Nebraska Extension
4-H Council members should act in the overall best interest of all young people and are expected to regularly attend Council and committee meetings, volunteer at 4-H events and activities and support the final recommendations and decisions of the Council. The 4-H Council operates under the leadership of the local 4-H Staff.
4-H Council & Club Treasurer Training
A 4-H Council and Club Treasurer training was held in February, if you would like to view the recording and review the information see below.
Find the recording and resources on this website:
- 4-H Policy Handbook:
- 4-H Council Policy Handbook:
Contacts for Questions:
4-H Policy/4-H Council Financial Policy:
- Local 4-H Educator
- State 4-H Office - Ashley Benes –
Nebraska 4-H Foundation:
- Lindsay Shearer –
Example templates for 4-H council treasurer role and record keeping will be shared with staff soon.
Clarification regarding questions asked during the training:
- All in-kind (non-cash) donations (physical items or services) should be accounted for as revenue. The donation should be recognized at the fair market value and recorded as that amount as revenue.
- Here are the factors regarding the $50k threshold for use of filing the 990N vs the longer 990 form.
Small tax-exempt organizations generally are eligible to file Form 990-N to satisfy their annual reporting requirement if their annual gross receipts are normally $50,000 or less.
- Gross receipts are the total amounts the organization received from all sources during its annual accounting period, without subtracting any costs or expenses.
- Gross receipts are considered to be normally $50,000 or less if the organization:
- Has been in existence for 1 year or less and received, or donors have pledged to give, $75,000 or less during its first tax year;
- Has been in existence between 1 and 3 years and averaged $60,000 or less in gross receipts during each of its first two tax years; and
- Is at least 3 years old and averaged $50,000 or less in gross receipts for the immediately preceding 3 tax years (including the year for which calculations are being made).
Dakota County 4-H Council Constitution
The name of this organization shall be the Dakota County 4-H Council.
The purpose of this Council shall be:
A. Assist in the planning and execution of 4-H program.
B. Promote interest in 4-H by:
1. Developing goals for present and future program.
2. Providing opportunities to develop skills and interests.
3. Providing opportunities to explore careers and profession.
4. Providing opportunities for participation in life experiences.
5. Recruiting prospective leaders and members.
6. Providing a well-balanced 4-H program of activities.
7. Assisting in determining leader training that is needed.
8. Positively representing 4-H in the Community.
9. Establishing county policies.
10. Representing 4-H on the Dakota County Extension Advisory Council.
11. Maintaining open communication with Fairboard.
A The Dakota County 4-H Council and the 4-H Program shall have a membership open to any youth or adult irrespective of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, political beliefs or disability.
B. 1. Membership shall be made up of one adult member and one youth member representing each organized club enrolled in Dakota County. The adult member and youth member will be appointed by their representative club. Clubs are requested to designate an alternate adult member and youth member in the event the named member can not attend. It will be the responsibility of the named member to notify his/her lternate if they are unable to attend. One additional adult member and one additional youth member will be selected at large from the Independent Membership by the 4-H Council.
2. Council youth representative will be 12 years of age as of January 1st of the year appointed and not over 18 as of January 1st.
3. Extension Educators and/or Associates/Assistants shall be ex-office members but are not allowed to vote or hold office.
C. 1. Clubs will be responsible for electing one adult and one youth representative. Clubs must notify the Extension Office of their selected members by January 1st of the current 4-H Year.
2. Any clubs organized after January 1st and prior to the 4-H Calendar Year Enrollment Deadline will be responsible for electing one adult and one youth representative. Clubs must notify the Extension Office of their selected members.
D. 1. Adult members will serve a two year term. Adult members may succeed themselves for one additional term. They shall not serve again until one term has passed.
2. Youth members shall serve for a one year term, unless reappointed by their club. Youth members may serve two consecutive terms, but may not serve again until one term has passed.
The offices shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer chosen by the Council from its membership.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers plus the Extension Educators/Associates/Assistants. The Extension Educators/Associates/Assistants are not entitled to vote or hold office.
A quorum to transact business at a meeting of the organization shall be six (6) Members.
Any section of this Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a majority of total adult membership of the 4-H Council, provided a notice of the pending amendment has been sent to the members at least one week before such a meeting.
A. Council President - Shall serve as Chairman of the County 4-H Council. Shall be a member of the Dakota County Extension Advisory Council. May call special meetings.
B. Vice-President - Shall act for the President in his/her absence.
C. Secretary - Shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the 4-H Council.
D. Treasurer - Shall keep an accurate record of financial standing of the Council.
Section 1: County 4-H Council:
A. Shall meet at least 5 times a year.
B. Special meeting of the Executive Board shall be called when necessary.
C. If the Council representatives are unable to attend a scheduled meeting, they should have their alternate attend the meeting.
4-H Council Meetings (suggested agendas):
A. January:
1. Election of Officers
2. Appoint Committee Members
3. Finalize 4-H Calendar
4. Prepare Annual Budget (Fundraising)
5. Set 4-H Council Meeting Dates
6. Appoint One Adult and One Youth Representative from Independent Membership.
B. February:
1. Committee Reports
2. Fundraising Event
C. March:
1. Committee Reports
D. April:
1. Committee Reports
E. June:
1. Pre-Fair Items
F. August:
1. Post Fair Review
G. October:
1. Review of Past Year
Section 2. Executive Committee:
A. Shall meet at the call of the President or at the written request of at least 3 members of the Council.
The committees shall consist of persons who are interested in 4-H work. The chairperson of the committee shall be a council member. The committees shall be as follows:
A. Agricultural Programs
B. Budget/Audit
C. Contest
D. Home Economics Program
E. Recognition
Section I: 4-H Membership
A. 4-H Member - A child must be at least 8 years old and no more than 18 years old as of January 1 of the current year to be a 4-H member. Cloverbud Member - A child must be age 5-7 years old as of January 1 of
the current year.
B. A child must complete the 4-H year to the satisfaction of his/her leader to be counted as a member for that year.
A quorum to transact business at a meeting of the organization shall be five (5) members.
Article VI was amended on January 7, 2008 by a unanimous roll call vote of the adult voting member present. (See minutes 01-08)