Keep a record of your 4-H Career with the Achievement Application.
Set goals, expand your knowledge, earn recognition with Diamond Clover Awards.
Check out everything 4-H has to offer
Introducing the standard award application. 4-H'ers ages 15-18 should use this application to apply for awards beyond county level.
The Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application is a standard application form used for the selection of county and state award winners, including Nebraska delegates to National 4-H Congress and National 4-H Conference, as well as Nebraska 4-H Foundation scholarship award recipients.
Two versions of the application are available:
- Junior Achievement Application for ages 8-14 (county-only)
- Senior Achievement Application for ages 15-18 (state-eligible)
What is the 4-H Achievement Application
- It is a record of a 4-H member's 4-H career.
- It includes a listing of a 4-H member's personal growth and leadership experiences related to the knowledge learned, skills gained and community service/volunteer activities experienced through 4-H
- Developing Award Applications
- Documenting 4-H Experiences
- Recording Development of Life Skills
- Applying for National 4-H Youth Congress
- Applying for National 4-H Conference
- Completing Scholarship Applications
- Applying for College Entrance
- Building Resumes
- Applying for Jobs
How the Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application Relates to the Four H's
- Goal Setting
- Problem solving
- Learning to learn
- Decision making
- Planning & organizing
- Relating to others
- Caring about others
- Giving through community service and volunteerism
- Working together
- Being a responsible citizen
- Living with healthy lefestyle choices
- Being self disciplined
- Showing good character
- Building self esteem
Character is Important in Documenting Accomplishments
4-H'ers gain skills and attitudes they can use for the rest of their lives. These include leadership, communication, character building, decision making, self-confidence and more. 4-H provides a number of competitive avenues for members, among the several types of learning experiences available to members. The program focus remains on the initial learning component and completion of the project. However, many young people grow through the more intense evaluation of accomplishment which competition provides.
It is with learning goals in mind that we encourage those entering the 4-H recognition and incentives process(es). Documenting past activity through record keeping is an important skill used many different ways and times. Business people use it to determine costs for manufacturing. Accountants need it to determine profit or loss. Consumers use record keeping when shopping. Livestock producers keep records on their stock, for production, pedigrees, or management.
Record Keepers Need to:
Be honest and accurate in reporting with numbers and productivity (activities).
Provide proper documentation of all phases (steps), costs (numbers), output (their part) in reports of production.
An important part of the entire 4-H program is developing strong character traits. Character is built upon many qualities including; caring, citizenship, responsibility, respect, fairness and trustworthiness. They are important components of the 4-H program. There are several ways to apply character to the Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application process. Members need to observe the following principles of character as they document their accomplishments:
Citizenship is a responsibility we all possess, regardless of personal background. All of us can improve our club, community, country, and world to make them a better place. Promoting good citizenship is commended and valued as relevant information in the Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application.
Caring and Citizenship are intertwined through community service by 4-H'ers. Many activities in nursing homes or hospitals, with certain groups of people, or for the good of the environment can be reported. Responsibility means carrying through on the goals that were set, and then reporting both success and shortcomings as a result of learning experiences through 4-H work.
Respect for those who review the application, that is complete, and assembled in the manner directed by the guidelines. Respect for deadlines, rules and guidelines shows respect for one's self as well as all volunteers and participants, other club members and the program in general.
Fairness is important in all settings, especially those involving competition. Some may mistakenly become focused on the external prize in competition, instead of the internal learning and personal growth of the experience. This can even cause someone to feel a need to exaggerate facts or include irrelevant information in materials submitted for review. Goals consistent with 4-H ideals focus on realistic achievement.
Trustworthiness is exemplified through the signatures provided. All who sign are declaring their trust in the 4-H'er, and confirming that the information provided is a true and accurate sharing of the 4-H'er's accomplishments. They are all stating that the Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application reflects the progress, growth, satisfaction (and sometimes frustration or disappointment) of the 4-H'er. The members acknowledge their trustworthiness with their signature, providing an important final step to the project!

The Nebraska 4-H Diamond Clover program encourages 4-H youth to engage in a variety of programs, projects, and activities that will enable youth to acquire skills and abilities that will prepare them for success in the future. The program is designed to reach and recognize all youth engaged in 4-H, from club members and campers to school enrichment, afterschool, and special interest program participants.
The program consists of six levels that require a young person to plan and report a broad range of age-appropriate accomplishments. For each level, the Nebraska 4-H Diamond Clover program provides a list of accomplishments from which 4-H youth choose their goals. The accomplishments increase in quantity and difficulty for each level. At the beginning of the 4-H year, participants plan what to accomplish and at the end of the 4-H year, they report on their completed accomplishments. Successful completion of a level's Plan & Report form results in a 4-H youth earning that level of the Diamond Clover program

Nebraska 4-H recognizes and awards individuals and groups for outstanding achievements and contributions to their community, club, and their own personal development. Recognition and awards are available throughout all levels and programs of 4-H.
Community support of our local 4-H program is greatly appreciated. 4‐H offers our youth numerous opportunities. 4‐H’ers gain self‐confidence through their 4‐H project work. 4‐H teaches communication skills, leadership skills, citizenship and much more. 4‐H’ers learn by doing and strive “To Make the Best Better”.
If you have been a trophy donor in years past your name will be published in the current fairbook. Trophies will be presented at the Dakota‐Thurston County Fair at a cost of $25.00 each. In addition to trophies, select classes may receive additional awards such as buckles, plaques or other awards. These awards are at a higher cost. If you would like more information on sponsoring these additional awards please contact the Dakota or Thurston County Extension Office.
Trophies add great incentive for our 4‐H’ers to excel. We sincerely appreciate your past support and hope you will continue. The Dakota and Thurston County 4‐H Council are also looking at different ways to provide incentive to our youth. We want to make sure that the rewards given are the best way to recognize our youth. Please remember at fair time and throughout the year that ribbons are awarded for the merit of the project and items such as trophies should be based on competition.

Dakota County Senior Scholarship
Dakota County 4-H Council provides a $250 one time college scholarship to our graduating seniors.
The purpose is to provide assistance to our 4-H'ers that wish to continue their education at a school of higher learning in any course of study.
Applicants must belong to a Dakota County 4-H Club and have actively participated in the 4-H program, including club meetings, workshops, contest, County/State Fair currently and for the 3 years prior (4 years participation total).
The scholarship will be awarded in the amount of $250 to the chosen finalists(s) upon proof of enrolling in an institution of higher learning
Submission deadline March 31st
Scholarship Application
Statewide Scholarships
There are many scholarships available to 4-H'ers across the state. Additional scholarship specific eligibility requirements may apply.
Nebraska 4-H Foundation

Don & Martha Romeo Scholarship
The Nebraska Association of Fair Managers will award a $500 scholarship to one qualifying 4-H male and a $500 scholarship to one qualifying 4-H female who are graduating seniors in the state of Nebraska and who plan to continue with post high school education. The scholarship will be awarded at the annual NAFM convention in January. Please share the application, found at https://www.nebraskafairs.org/newsletters.php, with high school seniors in your county.
Application must be typed. Do not exceed the space provided.
You will be submitting three (3) pages of information along with 2 letters of recommendation.
Page 1…Personal info.
Page 2…List your top 10 school and 4-H accomplishments.
Page 3…List your top 5 community experiences, and your essay.
Include two letters of recommendation.
No photos.
Applications should be submitted to local Extension Offices by Thursday, November 30th. Extension Offices in Nebraska are asked to return finalists to the Nebraska Association of Fair Managers (ATTN: Ricky Gennrich, PO Box 223, Bertrand, NE 68927 or rickygennrich@gmail.com). Winners will be notified by January 7, 2025. This Scholarship is awarded during the Nebraska Association of Fair Managers Convention Banquet, which will be held in Kearney, Nebraska, on Saturday, January 25, 2025. Must be present at the convention to receive the Scholarship.
Don & Martha Romeo Scholarship application