Precip | Precipitation | in | mm |
PrecipTotal | 24 hour Precipitation Total | in | mm |
RelHum2m | Relative Humidity | % | % |
RelHumMax2m | Maximum Relative Humidity | % | % |
RelHumMin2m | Minimum Relative Humidity | % | % |
Solar | Solar Radiation | Langley/hour | W/m^2 |
SolarTotal | Total Solar Radiation | Langley | MJ/m^2/day |
AirTemp2m | Air Temperature | F | C |
AirTempMax2m | Maximum Air Temperature | F | C |
AirTempMin2m | Minimum Air Temperature | F | C |
SoilTemp5cm | Soil Temperature at 5 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTemp10cm | Soil Temperature at 10 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTemp15cm | Soil Temperature at 15 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMax5cm | Maximum Soil Temperature at 5 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMin5cm | Minimum Soil Temperature at 5 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMax10cm | Maximum Soil Temperature at 10 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMin10cm | Minimum Soil Temperature at 10 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMax15cm | Maximum Soil Temperature at 15 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMin15cm | Minimum Soil Temperature at 15 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTemp30cm | Soil Temperature at 30 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMax30cm | Maximum Soil Temperature at 30 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMin30cm | Minimum Soil Temperature at 30 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTemp60cm | Soil Temperature at 60 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMax60cm | Maximum Soil Temperature at 60 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMin60cm | Minimum Soil Temperature at 60 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTemp127cm | Soil Temperature at 127 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMax127cm | Maximum Soil Temperature at 127 cm depth | F | C |
SoilTempMin127cm | Minimum Soil Temperature at 127 cm depth | F | C |
WindDirection2m | Wind Direction | degrees | degrees |
WindDirectionAvg2m | Average Wind Direction | degrees | degrees |
WindSpeed2m | Wind Speed | mph | m/s |
WindSpeedAvg2m | Average Wind Speed | mph | m/s |
RelHum10m | Relative Humidity at 10 meters | % | % |
RelHumMax10m | Maximum Relative Humidity at 10 meters | % | % |
RelHumMin10m | Minimum Relative Humidity at 10 meters | % | % |
WindSpeed10m | Wind Speed at 10 meter height | mph | m/s |
WindSpeedAvg10m | Average wind speed at 10 meters | mph | m/s |
WindDirection10m | Wind Direction at 10 meters | degrees | degrees |
WindDirectionAvg10m | Average Wind Direction at 10 meters | degrees | degrees |
AirTemp10m | Air Temperature at 10 meters | F | C |
AirTempMax10m | Maximum Air Temperature at 10 meters | F | C |
AirTempMin10m | Minimum Air Temperature at 10 meters | F | C |
AtmPressure | Atmospheric Pressure | inHg | mb |
AtmPressureMax | Maximum Atmospheric Pressure | inHg | mb |
AtmPressureMin | Minimum Atmospheric Pressure | inHg | mb |
WindDirectionSD10m | Wind Direction Standard Deviation at 10m | degrees | degrees |
WindDirectionSD2m | Wind Direction Standard Deviation | degrees | degrees |
SoilTempBare10cm | Soil Temperature At 10 Cm under Bare Soil | F | C |
WindSpeedMag10m | Wind Speed Magnitude at 10 m | mph | m/s |
WindSpeedMag2m | Wind Speed Magnitude | mph | m/s |
WindSpeedMax10m | Wind Speed 5 Sec Gust at 10m | mph | m/s |
WindSpeedMax2m | Wind Speed 5 Sec Gust | mph | m/s |
WindSpeedSD10m | Wind Speed Standard Deviation at 10m | mph | m/s |
WindSpeedSD2m | Wind Speed Standard Deviation | mph | m/s |
WindDirectionSDAvg10m | Average Wind Direction Standard Deviation at 10m | degrees | degrees |
WindDirectionSDAvg2m | Average Wind Direction Standard Deviation | degrees | degrees |
WindSpeedMagAvg10m | Average Wind Speed Magnitude at 10 m | mph | m/s |
WindSpeedMagAvg2m | Average Wind Speed Magnitude | mph | m/s |
WindSpeedSDAvg10m | Average Wind Speed Standard Deviation at 10m | mph | m/s |
WindSpeedSDAvg2m | Average Wind Speed Standard Deviation | mph | m/s |
SoilTempBareMax10cm | Maximum Soil Temperature At 10 Cm under Bare Soil | F | C |
SoilTempBareMin10cm | Minimum Soil Temperature At 10 Cm under Bare Soil | F | C |
AirTempMaxTime2m | Time Of Max Temperature | Timestamp | Timestamp |
AirTempMinTime10m | Time Of Min Temperature At 9 Meters | Timestamp | Timestamp |
AirTempMinTime2m | Time Of Min Temperature | Timestamp | Timestamp |
WindSpeedMaxTime10m | Time of Wind Speed 5 Sec Gust at 10m | Timestamp | Timestamp |
WindSpeedMaxTime2m | Time of Wind Speed 5 Sec Gust | Timestamp | Timestamp |
AirTempMaxTime10m | Time Of Max Temperature At 9 Meters | Timestamp | Timestamp |