Livestock Information
ID Sheets
Livestock Project Resources:
ID Sheets
All ID sheets are due to the Extension Office by JUNE 15 of the current year.
State Fair
DNA & Nomination Deadline: June 15
- All 4-H/FFA breeding livestock, market livestock and feeder calves are required to submit a DNA sample/envelope to be eligible to exhibit at the Nebraska State Fair.
- Animals will automatically be eligible for both breeding and market. DNA nominations will remain at $7.00 per animal.
- Online Livestock Entry Deadline: August 10, 8:00 pm. (Must be entered by 4-H member/family)
- Animals will automatically be eligible for both breeding and market. DNA nominations will remain at $7.00 per animal.
Nebraska State Fair Age: 8 years old as of January 1 of the current year.
YQCA Certification
YQCA Certificate Required for ALL 4-H & FFA Livestock Exhibitors
ALL 4-H & FFA livestock exhibitors (Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Swine, Goat, Poultry & Rabbit) are required to complete YQCA certification by June 15. Youth who do not complete their certification by the deadline are ineligible to show at the Cuming County Fair. No late certificates accepted.
Options for YQCA Certification: YQCA Website
If you need help - the website has a help desk, otherwise, use this help document.
Face to Face Training - $3.00 (paid on website), ONLINE PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Cuming County in person YQCA Training Date: Wednesday, May 28th from 1:00-2:30 p.m. - Watson Pavilion, Cuming County Fairgrounds
Online Certification
- $12.00 per youth
- Select course based on 4-H age (as of Jan. 1 of current year)