Cedar County Private Pesticide Applicator Training dates for 2025. 

Thursday, February 13 at the Hartington City Auditorium Basement at 9:00-12:00 noon or 1:00-4:00 pm
Tuesday, March 25 at the Randolph City Auditorium at 1:00-4:00 pm
Online Training - includes a link to register and links for instructions on how to register

Please bring your barcode letter you received from the state PSEP office, a photo identification, and $60 training fee.  If you don't have the barcode letter, no problem, we will have forms for you to fill in.  Cost is $60 for the in-person training to be paid at the training site, please make checks payable to University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  Plus an additional $25 licensing fee to be paid later when you recieve your postcard upon training completion from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture.  If you are unable to attend an in-person training you also have the option to take an online training for $60. 

Participants will not receive a 2025 Guide for Weed, Disease, and Insect Management at the trainings.  If you wish a copy you may purchase flipbook download from UNL Marketplace at https://marketplace.unl.edu/pested/commercial-noncommercial-study-materials. Cost is $25.  Or a printed copy for $35.

Any person who wishes to use any restricted use pesticides (RUP) for purposes of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented, is required to have a private applicator license.  For more information visit the Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) website

Cedar County and Area Training Dates  
Do I Need an Applicator License?
Private Pesticide Online Training
All Nebraska Private Pesticide Applicator Training Dates
Crop Production Clinics - pre-registration required
Commercial/Noncommercial Pesticide Training Dates 
Chemigation Training      2025 Chemigation Training Dates
Additional Training Required for RUP Dicamba/Auxin Products  

If you have limited access to a computer a hard-copy home-study option is also available, cost is $75 (plus the additional $25 licensing fee by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture), contact UNL Pesticide Safety Education Program at 402-472-1632 to arrange for a hard copy to be mailed to you.