Cedar County Fair & Pre-Fair Day Resources

Below you will find all information needed to exhibit at the Cedar County Fair or Nebraska State Fair in each respective department's webpage.  You will find fairbook rules, a pre-entry form with an example, and any supporting information required in each department.  If you have any questions please contact our office. 

Cedar County 4-H has combined the livestock ID affidavits and livestock pre-entry forms into one form for each respective species, as a result all Livestock ID/Pre-Entry Forms are due to our office by June 15 so that the Ag Society has adequate time to prepare barns for livestock shows.  For this reason Clover Kid pre-entry forms are also due on June 15th so we know how many Clover Kids will be exhibiting an animal, and if their animal will be penned throughout the fair or will be going home following their respective show.      

Pre-Fair Day will be held on June 28, 2025.   Subsequently, Pre-Fair Day & Fashion Show pre-entry form for exhibits associated with clothing, sewn quilts, consumer management, knitting, and crocheting are due to our office on or before June 15th.  See pages 23-31 of printed fairbook for exhibits to be judged on Pre-Fair Day.

The pre-entry form, for all other Static Exhibits to be judged and displayed at the Fair, is due to our office on or before Friday, June 27. 

Entry tags will be printed and livestock shows will be arranged according to what you list on these forms.  Please take note of the due dates!

Cedar County Fair Schedule of 4-H Events July 16 - 20, 2025

All Livestock Pre-Entry/ID forms are due to the Extension Office by June 15
so that the Ag Society has adequate time to prepare barns for livestock exhibits.