Thank You Card 1, Thank You Card 2 - quarter-fold 4-H thank you cards to download, print, fold, add your personal note, and mail.
4-H Club Officer Resources
Officer's Guide
Secretary's Record
Reporter's Guide
Treasurer's Guide & Record
Year End 4-H Club Treasurer's Report
Parliamentary Procedure Guidelines for 4-H Clubs - video
Clubs of Excellence Award - due September 15
When applying for this award, please also include a list of club officers for the year.
Or complete this combined charter (Clubs of Excellence & officers) form (this is a fillable form and is used as our county club summary at the end of the year)
February Nebraska 4-H Month Promotion Grant Application - due April 1
Cedar County 4-H Council Project Fund Application - due September 15
Fast Track Training for Volunteers
4-H Volunteer Information - resources and screening process
Nebraska 4-H Glossary - to help you understand the general terminology and language used within the Nebraska 4-H program