The purpose of the 4-H Council is to fulfill the mission of the 4-H and youth development program of Boone County in cooperation with Extension Staff and the Extension board, without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, or handicap.
The Boone County 4-H Council consists of 12 adults and two youth members selected by the 4-H members and 4-H parents of the county.
2025 Officers are:
President - Susan Staub; Vice President - Mitch Koch; Secretary - Kally King; Treasurer - Brenda Pelster.
Adult Members are:
Chris Nelson, Jaclyn Frey, Crystal Werts, NIck Krohn, Matt Schriver, Scott Brengelman, Mike Werner, and Dave Hilmer.
Youth Members are:
Abigail Addison and Bethany Preister.
Next Meeting is March 17 at 7:00 pm at the Boone County Extension Office conference room.
Boone County 4-H Council Minutes
August 2024
Boone County 4-H Council
Sunday, August 4, 2024 – 5:30 p.m.
Staub Residence - Albion
Call to Order - President Susan Staub called the monthly meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. Members present included Staub, Mitch Koch, Scott Brengelman, Matt Schriver, Janet Groeteke, Kally King, Jacyln Frey, Brenda Pelster, Wes Stokes & Nick Krohn, Staff members present were Steve Pritchard and Sonya Glup.
Excused Absences - Dave Hilmer, Chris Nelson, Kate Maricle, and Melany Preister were excused from meeting.
Pledges – President Staub led the Council with the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge.
Secretary’s Report - Minutes were read and motion was made by Frey, seconded by Stokes to approve the minutes from the Council meeting held on June 17, 2024. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Financial report given by Pelster. Motion made by Stokes, seconded by Brengelman to approve treasurer report and bills submitted for payment. Motion carried.
Junior Leader Report - No report per Staub and Brengelman – a day of fun will be planned in the near future for members.
Unfinished Business
- Livestock Sale Thank You Ad
Motion made by Stokes, seconded by Brengelman to approve payment of @ $560 for thank you ad in the Albion News. Motion carried. Pelster made a motion to approve the addition of award sponsors in the thank you ad, seconded by Frey. Motion carried.
- Summer Intern
Riana Grotelueshen did an excellent job as our summer intern, and we would all like to thank her and wish her well in furthering her education in the agricultural field of study.
- 4-H Achievement Party
Date set for Sunday, October 20 with an ice-cream social from 2-4 p.m. at the Casey’s Bldg. Motion made by Pelster, seconded by Koch to approve party details. Motion carried.
Committee Reports
- Awards – Frey reported banner option was very popular with exhibitors. (93 banners, 35 trophies) Awards will be presented at the achievement banquet with a sticker attached with the sponsor name. A blank thank you and envelope will also be attached. Council asks all exhibitors receiving awards to please send a thank you to their sponsor(s).
- Fund Raising – No report. Sponsors will be thanked.
- Ambassador – Staub reported Ambassadors did a great job fulfilling their responsibilities and showing up to help where needed at the fair. The Council wishes to thank the Ambassadors – Cassidy Maricle, Aiden Choat and Addy Donleson for helping make the fair a success this year.
- Premium Sale - Sale went well and clerking ran smoothly. Thanks to Mitch Koch for his work behind the scenes setting up the computer program to help the clerks from Boone County Bank and Brenda Pelster, Arlene Neidhardt and Pam Doughty. Council agreed it would be a good idea to move the meal after the sale to the west side of arena inside the garage bay area and set up tables on concrete. Thanks also to Kyle Mock for taking pictures throughout the duration of the fair. His photos on the big screen encompassing all the different competitions taking place during fair were complimented by many at the Premium Sale.
- Other – An additional 15 premiums went through the sale this year which added time to the sale. Council discussed getting exhibitors on deck sooner to speed up the sale.
New Business
- County Fair date for 2025 will be July 12-17th
- Nebraska 4-H Foundation Plaque – nomination for friend of 4-H discussed by Council and the individual will be recognized at the Achievement Party on October 20th.
- 4-H Council Elections
Terms expiring include Susan Staub (first term), Scott Brengelman (first term/finished for Joe Epperly). Suggestions for new council members were discussed. Motion made by Pelster, seconded by Frey to keep the same voting procedure/protocol from 2023. Motion carried.
- Arama Show Management – tabled
- County Fair Area Review – discussed by Council
- Future ideas for growth in programs/project areas – staff asked Council to be thinking of some new ideas for 2025.
- Other Business
National Quiz Bowl – Boone County Quiz Bowl Team will be competing at nationals in Louisville, KY in November. Team members will attend September council meeting to discuss details with the Council. Glup reported she has 5 individuals interested in the CWF trip being planned for 2025.
Upcoming Meeting – September 16th, 7 p.m.
Adjournment - Motion made by Frey, seconded by Schriver to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Groeteke, Council Secretary
September 2024 amended
Boone County 4-H Council
Monday, September 16, 2024
Boone County Extension Conference Room
Call to Order - President Susan Staub called the monthly meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Members present included Staub, Chris Nelson, Kate Maricle, Kally King, Scott Brengelman, Brenda Pelster, & Jacyln Frey. Staff members present were Steve Pritchard and Sonya Gulp. Also in attendance was Aiden Choat.
Excused Absences - Dave Hilmer, Mitch Koch, Janet Groeteke, Wes Stokes, Matt Schriver, Nick Krohn, & Melany Preister
Pledges - President Staub led the Council with the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge.
Secretary’s Report - Minutes were read and motion was made by Brengelman, seconded by Frey to approve the minutes from the Council’s meeting held on August 4, 2024. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Financial report given by Pelster. Motion made by Brengelman to pay bills and approve treasurer report, Frey seconded. Motion carried.
Junior Leader Report - Staub and Brengelman reported that they were working on a scavenger hunt after the achievement party.
Unfinished Business
- 4-H Council Elections-terms expiring- 1st-Susan, Scott (Joe’s); 2nd - Janet, Wes, and need two youth members. Tentative candidates - Susan, Scott, Mike Werner. Voting procedures/protocol - Elections will be held Tuesday, October 15-18th and at Achievement Party. Junior Council Members were mentioned and Maricle offered to speak to them.
- 4-H Achievement - October 20th, Casey’s Building, 2-4 pm, ice cream social & awards. Chips from sale would also be used. Still need toppings and bowls. Council addressed how much money would go to each 4-H participant of fair. AKRS money totaled just less than $20/exhibitor. Council voted and approved to cover the difference to make $20/exhibitor.
- Ambassador Program - Next Chapter - 2025 Staub mentioned having Ambassadors do games with kids at Achievement Party.
- Jr. Leader and Arama Show Management-nothing new to report
Committee Reports
- Awards- Frey reported that sweatshirts have been ordered.
- Fund Raising- nothing new to report.
- Ambassador- Applications for Ambassador are due January 15th.
New Business
- State Fair comments- nothing major to report.
- Year-end wrap-up for clubs- no new changes.
- 2025 4-H Beef Check-in Date and location- January 26th with February 2nd as snow date. Need to check with Vet Clinic.
- National 4-H contests- Aiden Choat is asking for support for the team to compete in National 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl in Louisville, KY. The Quiz Bowl will be competing September 27th at Aksarben and November 19th in Louisville. Horticulture will also be competing in Lincoln. Nelson made the motion to give the Horticulture kids $100/person for 2 kids competing totaling $200, and $300/person for the Livestock Quiz Bowl Team, a total of $1500 for the team attending in Louisville. Brengelman seconded, motion approved.
- Other Business-National 4-H week is October 6-12th.
Next meeting: October 7th
Adjournment- meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Kally King
October 2024
Boone County 4-H Council
Monday, October 7, 2024 – 7 p.m.
Boone County Extension Conference Room - Albion
Call to Order - President Susan Staub called the monthly meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Members present included Staub, Melany Preister, Kate Maricle, Mitch Koch, Matt Schriver, Janet Groeteke, Kally King, Brenda Pelster & Nick Krohn, Staff members present were Steve Pritchard and Sonya Glup.
Excused Absences - Dave Hilmer, Jaclyn Frey, Wes Stokes, Scott Brengelman and Chris Nelson were excused from meeting.
Pledges – President Staub led the Council with the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge.
Secretary’s Report - One correction made to the September minutes under New Business #4. Council made a $1,500 team donation to help fund costs for the Quiz Bowl Team to attend national competition in Kentucky in November. Motion made by Koch, seconded by Pelster to approve the amended minutes from the Council meeting held on September 16, 2024. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Financial report given by Pelster. Motion made by Krohn, seconded by Groeteke to approve treasurer report and bills submitted for payment. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business
- Finalize Council Ballot
Confirmed nominees are Susan Staub, Scott Brengelman, Mike Werner, and Crystal Werts.
Youth nominees are Ryan Cumming, Abigail Addison, Dorothy Smith, and Bethany Preister.
- Election Procedure
Ballots are available at the Extension office with voting taking place October 15-18th and at the Achievement Party on the 20th. Stokes, Groeteke and Koch will do final ballot counts.
Date set for Sunday, October 20 with an ice-cream social from 2-4 p.m. at the Casey’s Bldg. Motion made by Pelster, seconded by Koch to approve party details. Motion carried.
- Achievement Party
Sunday the 20th at 2 p.m. Set up will begin at 1 p.m. in the Casey’s Bldg. Ambassadors will be present to play games with attendees and Ice cream and toppings will be served at the conclusion. The 2024 4-H Supporter Honoree will be present for award.
- Jr. Leaders Club Report
Staub reported there will be a brief Jr. Leaders meeting after the Achievement Party on the 20th.
- Arama Livestock Show Management - tabled
- Awards – Staub reported that Frey said awards should be completed soon. Staub, Pelster, Frey and Groeteke will label banners and trophies before the Achievement Party.
- Ambassador – Staub reported Ambassadors will help the day of the Achievement Party and the applications for 2025 will be reviewed at a later date.
New Business
- Pick up items from Achievement Party – deadline will be December 1, 2024.
- Distribution of Premium sale buyers pictures
Buyer pictures will be sent in the mail with a thank you this year to ensure buyers receive them. Pelster and Maricle will mail them out, working with Pam in the Extension Office.
- Audit of year-end financial records
Committee to review records will be Pritchard, Pelster, Staub and Brengelman.
- Year-end wrap-up for clubs
Sonya will talk to the clubs who need to turn in inventory sheets and treasurer reports.
Other Business
- Incentive for early enrollment – motion made by Krohn, seconded by Pelster that the first 30 youth to enroll will get their choice of a $5 gift certificate to either the Dotted Daisy or the Gateway Theatre. Motion carried.
- Aksarben Quiz Bowl – The Council congratulated the Boone County Quiz Bowl Team who were Champions at Aksarben Stock Show Quiz Bowl Contest in Grand Island.
Upcoming Meeting – January 20th, 7 p.m.
Adjournment - Motion made by Pelster, seconded by Krohn to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Groeteke, Council Secretary
January 2025
Boone County 4H Council
Monday, January 20, 2025
Boone County Extension Conference Room
Call to Order
President Susan Staub called the monthly meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Members present included Staub, Kally King, Scott Brengelman, Brenda Pelster, Jacyln Frey, Nick Krohn, Mitch Koch, Matt Schriver, Crystal Werts, Bethany Priester, Mike Werner. Staff members present were Steve Pritchard and Sonya Gulp. Also in attendance was Lisa Wagner.
Excused Absences
Dave Hilmer, Chris Nelson
Election of Officers (2-year term)
Nominations for Secretary-Kally King
Nominations for Treasurer- Brenda Pelster
Pledges- President Staub led the Council with the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge.
Secretary’s Report
Minutes were read and motion was made by Frey, seconded by Brengelman to approve the minutes from the Council’s meeting held on October 7, 2024. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Financial report given by Pelster. Motion made by Shriver to remove checks from financial statement with a date of 10/20/23 or older, Frey seconded. Motion carried. Motion was made by Krohn to pay bills, Brengelman seconded, motion carried. Motion was made by Frey to approve treasurer report, Shriver seconded. Motion carried. Discussion was made about updating the laptop and software. Koch is checking on prices.
Ambassador Report
Committee for interviews of Ambassadors is Frey, Koch, Staub
Ambassador interviews will be February 2nd at 12:30pm. Extension office to send letters to interviewees.
Unfinished Business
- Year End Financial Reports and Inventory-Clubs and Council- year end letters to be mailed week of January 20th. Clubs need to submit financial reports and inventory.
- 4-H Club Dissolution - Lisa Wagner was present to discuss the dissolution of the club she is a leader of, which is Cloverleaf. Bylaws for clubs states you must have 5 youth from 3 families and must hold 6 meetings per year with officers. Wagner says they are down to 2 families and cannot find times to hold meetings with children in other activities. Wagner reported all funds would be relinquished to the Boone County 4-H Council. Pritchard also reported on the Dream Team. A motion was made by Brengelman to dissolve both clubs (Cloverleaf, Dream Team) and move club funds into the Boone County 4-H Council account, Pelster seconded. Motion carried.
New Business
- 2025 Committee Assignments- Members signed up for committees.
- 4-H Online Enrollment Deadline/Incentive- as of the meeting we had 82 youth members enrolled.
- Volunteer Screening Requirements and $16 fee- Motion was made by Frey to reimburse volunteers for $16 screening fee, seconded by Brengelman. Motion approved.
- Nebraska 4H Month- 4-H at the movies will be February 23rd - movie is DogMan to start at 12:30, council to be there between 12-12:15. Council will provide pop and popcorn as in the past.
- YQCA coupons, $3, need 70-Brengelman made motion to approve purchasing the coupons, Frey seconded. Motion carried.
- Livestock EID process for 2025- All state fair and Asksarben cattle need an EID tag and DNA sample.
- Loup Valley Horse Show Date- June 1st is the date for the horse show this year. Brengelman needs 2-3 people to help.
- State Contest fees for horse Stampede, PASE, etc.- Krohn made a motion to pay the entry fees, Pelster seconded. Motion carried.
- New Council Shirts Needed- A list of people was collected that needed a new shirt for the upcoming year, Staub will get them ordered before the next meeting.
- Exhibitor Shirts- Discussion was had to ask Farm Bureau for approximately $2000 for new exhibitor shirts.
- Summer Intern- In the past, council has helped pay the wages for the summer intern. Brengelman made the motion to help pay the summer intern $1500 unless the wages increase then we will increase our amount as well, Shriver seconded. Motion carried.
- Special Garden Project for 2025- Motion was made by Brengelman to buy the seed for the special garden project. Frey seconded. Motion carried. Gulp mentioned the Special Agronomy project for 2025 is the Sunflower.
- Council Picture- will be taken at the February meeting.
- 2025 Meeting dates- dates were discussed and agreed upon by council.
- Other Business- Pritchard will coordinate the purchasing of broilers and turkeys this year for those interested.
Shooting sports wrap up will be May 31st.
ATV, Tractor driving, Bicycle Rodeo will be held June 1st.
Upcoming meeting: February 17th, 7pm
Adjournment- meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kally King
February 2025
Boone County 4-H Council
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Boone County Extension Conference Room
Call to Order
President Susan Staub called the monthly meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. Members present included Staub, Kally King, Scott Brengelman, Brenda Pelster, Jacyln Frey, Nick Krohn, Mitch Koch, Matt Schriver, Crystal Werts, Bethany Priester, Mike Werner, Chris Nelson, Abigail Addison. Staff members present were Steve Pritchard and Sonya Glup.
Excused Absences
Dave Hilmer
Pledges- President Staub led the Council with the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge.
Secretary’s Report
Minutes were read and motion was made by Pelster, seconded by Brengelman to approve the minutes from the Council’s meeting held on January 20th, 2025. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Financial report given by Pelster. Motion was made by Brengelman to approve treasurer’s report and pay bills, Schriver seconded. Motion carried. Brengelman moved to remove Janet Groeteke from the signature card at the bank and add Kally King, Frey-seconded. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business
- Complete Committee Assignments and Chairmans- Committees were approved.
- Exhibitor Shirt Sponsorship - Staub reported Farm Bureau would be taking care of the cost of t-shirts again this year.
- Enrollment Update - as of end of the day Friday February 21st, 110 youth and 16 volunteers registered.
- Club Dissolutions - Money from the dissolution of clubs was given to Treasurer Pelster to be deposited to 4-H Council’s account.
Committee Reports
- Awards - suggestions were made to survey parents for award ideas. Pelster moved to keep the banners and trophies and let kids decide which they chose, Brengelman seconded. Motion carried. Frey and Staub will contact local vendors to make the awards for the council.
- Fundraising - At this time no new fundraising is needed, just the money for the awards.
- 4-H Promotion-Movie Update - Glup reported there were 30 Boone County members and 15 Nance County members that attended the movie. $50 in donations was given. Pelster moved to pay the $75 rental fee, as well as the Boone County concession fees, Nance County would cover their concession fees, Brengelman seconded. Motion carried. Nelson moved to give Michael Brengelman $25 Casey’s gift card for time helping. Pelster seconded. Motion carried. Due to a misprint in an email, 4 families showed up late for the movie. Brengelman moved to give those families (12 kids, 4 parents) movie passes, Frey seconded. Motion carried.
- Ambassador - Staub - reported that the committee interviewed 3 candidates and chose all 3. Ambassadors are Kate Maricle, Kahnen Pelster, & Aiden Choat
- Junior Leader Update - Junior Leaders are looking for help with the A-Rama shows. They need help setting up Wednesday May 21st. Show will be May 25th and 26th. Junior leaders will be helping with shooting sports on May 31st and horse show on June 1st. Their next meeting will be March 16th.
New Business
- 2025 Budget Proposal- Budget committee met prior to Council meeting and reported budget proposal for the year. Brengelman moved to approve the 2025 budget, Frey seconded. Motion carried.
- Governor’s Ag Excellence Award (NIFA) & CPPD Grant- $500 could be awarded to a club for Community Service/Club Project. Fairgrounds is looking for a club or clubs to design and maintain landscape around the new LED sign. Glup is going to reach out to clubs that may be interested.
- County Fair 4-H Schedule of Events & Fair Book Changes- Subcommittee was created to go over any changes needed. New subcommittee is Staub, Frey, Nelson, Schriver, and Werner. They will meet and bring any changes back to the next council meeting. Changes to the fair schedule were discussed and changed to reflect previous years.
- Camp/Workshop Scholarship Application - Brengelman moved to keep the application as is, Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
- Other Business - Brengelman moved to send flowers to the Weltruski family in memory of Ronald, Schriver seconded. Motion carried, Brengelman would take care of arrangements.
-Glup said she would take care of getting the gifts for the early enrolled members.
-Pritchard reported the cost of the State Horse Stampede has gone up.
-Staub reported she had been in contact with representatives from the Liz Hunt family and money had been given to the council in her honor.
-Koch was not present to report on the new computer, so will be tabled till the next meeting.
Upcoming meeting: March 17th, 7pm
Adjournment- Brengelman moved to adjourn, Pelster seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Kally King