Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition Road Show Coming to Gage County

Josh and Tara Dukart

The Nebraska Grazing Land Coalition, 

Nebraska Extension and Nebraska Environmental Trust Present: 

Why We Seek and Keep Seeking: from Crisis Management to Holistic Management

Featuring Josh and Tara Dukart

Joshua and Tara Dukart of Seek First Ranch in western North Dakota believe ranchers, farmers & other ag professionals have a unique ability to simultaneously and synergistically regenerate soils, build healthy profits, and achieve their desired quality of life& relationships. They also know how challenging it can be to find the right balance when not all team members are pulling in the same direction, when prices are beyond our control, and when weather just won’t cooperate. Through vision and faith, Joshua & Tara aspire to not just conserve, but regenerate landscapes, farming and ranching businesses and help create win-win situations for families, communities, business teams and organizations. They firmly believe that wealth can be generated in a variety of ways: biologically, financially, and socially. Whether you are currently in a season of balance or unbalance; crisis or calm, we invite you to join us to hear this dynamic couple.  Their goal is to connect you with community and to equip you with tangible ways to live and ranch with intention. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

4:45 PM to 9 PM   

Gage County Extension Office, Beatrice, NE    

Contact Connor Biehler, Nebraska Extension Livestock Systems Educator

$20 registration fee payable at the door.  Students and local FFA chapters encouraged to attend.  Students are free.  Meal provided. Must preregister by November 2 to reserve a meal by calling the UNL Extension Office where you plan to attend.  For more information, contact Ron Bolze, Coordinator, NGLC, 402-321-0067 or

The Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition is an independent organization of ranchers, interest groups, and agencies whose mission is to collaborate on projects that improve the management and health of Nebraska grazing lands and ensure long-term stability of rangeland resources. The NGLC is funded through grants from the Nebraska Environmental Trust, the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA and the World Wildlife Fund-US.

The Nebraska Environmental Trust was established in 1992 to conserve, enhance and restore the natural environments of Nebraska. The Trust especially seeks projects that bring public and private partners together collaboratively to implement high-quality, cost-effective projects. A prosperous future requires a sound natural environment. The Trust complements existing activities, stimulating private investment and emphasizes long term gain. The Trust leads in the development of a vision of Nebraska's future environment