Local Interest

By Kathleen Cue, Nebraska Extension Horticulture Educator

One third of our food supply exists because a pollinator moved pollen from one flower to another. Their quest for nectar and pollen means we reap the benefits by harvesting fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Despite the necessity of pollinators for a reliable food supply for humans, pollinator habitat is in jeopardy because of reduced food sources and chemically-dependent pristine landscapes.

Helping pollinators is a local issue. Gardeners can make a difference for pollinator health by planting more flowers, supplying a water source, reducing the number of insecticides used and leaving a few dandelions and white clover for them to feed on.

By Kathleen Cue, Nebraska Extension Horticulture Educator

As we plan for our much anticipated outdoor projects this gardening season, let’s discuss the tree-killing practice of building raised beds around trees.  Don’t get me wrong here—I am not talking about planting hosta beneath a tree, I’m talking about building a RAISED bed around a tree. This unfortunate practice leads to many dead trees, often years later when the tree owner no longer connects the tree dying with the creation of the raised bed.

By: Kathleen Cue, Nebraska Extension Horticulture Educator

As we get our containers ready for planting our amazing annuals or that coveted tomato plant, conventional “wisdom” dictates we must first add an inch or so of gravel.  Problematic? You bet!   

Rocks in the bottom of containers do not contribute to better draining soils and healthier plants.  Instead plant roots encounter saturated soils that don’t drain efficiently.  It all has to do with something called a perched water table.

Emerald Ash Borer—Where Is It In Nebraska and When Should Tree Owners Treat For It?
By Kathleen Cue
Nebraska Extension Horticulture Educator

The much-dreaded emerald ash borer (EAB) was identified in Douglas County in 2016.  Since that time, EAB has been found in several other locations that holds implications for counties in the eastern part of Nebraska.

Infestations of this insect are known to kill ash trees in a relatively short time period—from 3 to 5 years in most cases.  Once an ash tree is dead, the tree quickly becomes brittle and is a threat to nearby homes, vehicles, and yes, people.

Japanese Beetles
By Kathleen Cue
Nebraska Extension Horticulture Educator

With over 300 ornamental and edible plants they like to feed on, Japanese beetles (JB) can quickly become an overwhelming insect in the landscape.  Last year, one gardener brought in his peach so covered in Japanese beetles that it was hard to identify the fruit as a peach!

If you didn’t have Japanese beetles last year, then hurray, you may not get any this year or if you do get them, they will be in such low numbers that hand-picking will take care of the problem.  But if you had JB last year, chances are very good you’ll have them this year, too.  

YQCA course login yqca.learngrow.io. 4-H youth will use your FAMILY 4HOnline login and password information to access the courses for the ACTIVE youth in your family. All 4-Hers need to use the 4-H tab and not the FFA tab even if they are members of both organizations.

All registration questions with YQCA should be directed to help@yqca.org. The YQCA site is user friendly and should make it easy for 4-H families to complete their Quality Assurance training for this year.

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