Pre-Fair & Fair Resources

For 2024, 
     4-H Fair Pre-Entry Forms
 - on these forms list all exhibits/events you plan to bring to or participate in at the fair.  Cedar County 4-H has combined the livestock ID affidavits and livestock pre-entry forms into one form for each species, as a result all Livestock ID/Pre-Entry Forms are due to our office by June 15
Pre-Fair Day will be held on July 13th.   Subsequently, pre-entry forms for exhibits associated with clothing, sewn quilts, consumer management, knitting, and crocheting are due to our office on or before June 28th.  See pages 23-31 of printed fairbook for exhibits to be judged on Pre-Fair Day.
     The pre-entry form for all other static exhibits is also due to our office on or before Monday, June 28. 
     Entry tags will be printed and livestock shows will be arranged according to what you list on these forms.  Please take note of the due dates!   Also, make sure you have signed-up on 4-HOnline for the project areas in which you wish to exhibit within (state fair exhibit entries are based on enrollment numbers in the project).

We recommend you download/save these forms to your computer first, type in information, then save and print or email to the office.)

Clover Kid and Livestock Exhibit ID/Pre-Entry Forms - due June 15, 2024

Clover Kids Entries           Beef Entries          Bucket Calf Entries          Companion Animal, Cat & Dog Entries         Dairy Entries          Goat Entries          Horse Entries           Poultry Entries          Rabbit Entries          Sheep Entries          Swine Entries         

All Pre-Fair Day Entry & Static Exhibit Pre-Entry Forms - Due June 28, 2024

4-H Static Exhibits - due June 28  (list all entries that will be judged at the Fair, except Livestock, Clover Kid and Pre-Fair Day entries, which have seperate pre-entry forms.)
Pre-Fair Day Exhibits & Fashion Show Registration - due June 28
(listing clothing, sewn quilt, knitting, crocheting, and consumer management exhibits .  See pages 23-31 of printed fairbook for exhibits to be judged on Pre-Fair Day.)  
All Shopping in Style written reports and Fashion Show narrations must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY for EACH entry to by July 5.
Shopping in Style Fashion Revue Written Report - due to by July 5. (Be sure to check participation on Fashion Show Pre-Entry form.)      
$20 Shopping Challenge Poster & Narrative Requirements - narrative due to by July 5. (Be sure to check participation on Fashion Show Pre-Entry form.)
Clothing Interview Judging Exemption Form - if unable to participate in interview judging of your clothing/sewn exhibits on Pre-Fair Day July 13th, this exemption form is required by June 28, 2024.
Club Entries

Workshops Class Entry List

Cedar County Fair 2024 4-H Schedule of Events

Resources for Fair Exhibits 

Bucket Calf Record Book 1st Year   
Bucket Calf Record Book 2nd Year  -  Due to office by July 5, 2024
Clover Kid Bucket Calf Record Book  -  (encouraged but not required) bring with you day of show July 18
Bucket Calf Project Requirements & Possible Interview Questions  

Citizenship Patriotic Arts Information Sheet - include with fair exhibits   
Citizenship Service Item Information Sheet - include with fair exhibit

Clover Kid Entry Tags - These will be available at the fairgrounds on entry day and can also be picked up at our office.  If you wish to print ahead of time we recommend printing on card stock, but not required.

Crop Production Record Sheet - include supporting information sheet with fair exhibit

Cat or Ferret Vaccination Certificate Form  
Dog Vaccination Certificate Form  

Edible Book Challenge Supporting Information Sheet
     Edible Book Challenge Scoresheet
     Cake Decorating (*pdf - 80 pages) 

Emergency Animal Removal Release Fillable Formto remove livestock from fairgrounds

Cake Decorating (*pdf - 80 pages)  
     Edible Book Challenge Supporting Information Sheet
     Edible Book Challenge Scoresheet

Food Preservation Card - supporting information for canned and dried exhibits to include with fair exhibit

Home Design & Restoration Tag - supporting information for Design Decisions and Heirloom Treasures to include with all state fair eligible exhibits

Visual Arts - supporting information 

Human Development Babysitting Kit Information Sheet - include with fair entry class 8
   Other Human Development Classes Information Sheet - for classes 1-6 fair entries
        What It Takes To Be Your Teen Babysitter (Student Guide 79 pages)

Photography Data Tags  - include with fair entry
                      Unit 1 Data Tag    
   NEW        Unit 2 Data Tag      
                      Unit 3 Data Tag  

STEAM Clothing Design Data Card - included with Beyond the Needle Classes C221003-C221008 and STEAM 2 and 3 upcycled exhibits 
     Fabric Textile Sample Scrapbook Page     
Knitting and Crocheting Supporting Information - include with fair entry (new 2023 form)

Wildlife Habitat - Birdhouse: Houses - include supporting information sheet with fair exhibit   
Wildlife Habitat - Bird Feeder: Feeders/Waters - include supporting information sheet with fair exhibit

Selecting & Preparing Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit for Fair (*pdf - 24 pages) 

Preparing Cut Flowers for County & State Fair  (*pdf - 11 pages)