Nebraska Extension in Nemaha County

Discover how Nebraska Extension is transforming communities through education, innovation, and local impact stories.

Making a Difference Across Nebraska

Nemaha County Extension

Connect with Us

Office Hours are Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 - 5:00 PM
The office will be closed on federal holidays. 

Our office is located in the basement of the Nemaha County Courthouse. 

Upcoming Event

GRO Big Red Virtual Learning

GroBigRed is a virtual learning series sponsored by Nebraska Extension and delivered via Zoom. It is a great opportunity to join experts from Nebraska Extension to learn and ask questions! All  programs are on the second Wednesday of the month from Noon-1 pm CT. 

If you cannot participate in the live programs, they will be recorded and made available for later viewing.

Register Now
gro big red

Virtual Landlord/Tenant Cash Rent Workshops

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Agricultural Profitability and Nebraska Extension will present two virtual workshops for farm and ranch landowners, landlords and tenants who want to learn more about current trends in farm or ranch real estate, and best practices for managing or leasing land.

Register by March 18 to receive workshop materials in the mail.
Click the link below to register:

Local Interest

Interested in 4-H?

4-H is a youth development program empowering youth with skills to lead for a lifetime. 4-H is not just for farm kids showing farm animals at the county fair.  4-H is for everyone.  All year there are contests, workshops, club meetings and more.  See what 4-H has to offer through a learn by doing approach. 

Information on 4-H
Judging Contest

Enrollment in 4-H is open

Enrollment in 4-H is open.  Youth ages 5-18 by December 31st are eligible to participate.  Youth must be enrolled by June 15th or before participating in a contest or shooting sports practice.  

4-H Workshop

Upcoming Events

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