4-H began in the early 1900's as Corn Clubs for boys and Canning Clubs for girls. Although the program has changed a lot through the years, it has always been a program designed to help children become productive members of their communities.
4-H is a national organization delivered by Cooperative Extension–a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing. Youth complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and citizenship, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids experience 4-H in every county and parish in the country.
Nebraska 4-H prepares young people for successful futures. Educational programs place a strong emphasis on life skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, social skills, communication, responsibility, citizenship, and leadership.
4-H FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
How old do you have to be to enroll in 4-H?
- Clover Kids enroll at age 5 (as of Dec. 31st of current year)
- Regular 4-Hers enroll at age 8 to 18 (as of Dec. 31st of current year)
Do youth need to re-enroll each year?
Yes, visit 4honline.com to register as a youth. Youth must enroll by June 15th or before participating in a contest or shooting sports practice.
Do adult volunteers need to enroll? Some do, some do not. It depends on your level of involvement. Please contact us at 402-274-4755 to discuss your volunteer possibilities.
If there a fee to join 4-H? No, not in Nemaha County.
Do I have to join a club? Nemaha County does not require youth to be enrolled in a club. You can choose to enroll as an independent. We do recommend joining a club and attending their meetings for community building, project help, community service, fun and gathering information.
How many 4-H clubs are in Nemaha County?
Nemaha County has six active 4-H Clubs. If you are not sure which club to join, we recommend trying a few out. All are welcome to attend any meeting and see if you like it.
- BU Stockraisers - Meeting on the 3rd Monday of the month at the 4-H Building at 7:00 PM
- Johnsonites - Meeting on the 3rd Sunday of the month in the Johnson Library at 5:00 PM
- Jr. Riders - Does not currently have regularly scheduled meetings.
- Nemaha County 4-H Shooting Sports - Meeting on the 1st Sunday of the month at the 4-H Building at 6:00 PM
- Peru Bobcats - Meeting on the last Monday of the month at the Peru Community Church at 6:00 PM
- Timbercreek - Meeting on the 2nd Sunday of the month in the Johnson Library at 5:00 PM
Nemaha County 4-H Council
The Nemaha County 4-H Council is the governing body for the 4-H program. The council is made up of an adult and a youth representative from each of the six clubs.
2025 Council Members:
Jan DeBuhr - Secretary - BU Stockraisers
Cory Leedom - Vice President - Shooting Sports
Logan Leedom - Shooting Sports
Dawson Loose - BU Stockraisers
Arya Marburger - Timbercreek
Shana Marburger - President - Timbercreek
Emma Wakulinski - Johnsonites
Leigh Wakulinski - Treasurer - Johnsonites
Cailyn Winkelman - Peru Bobcats
Gabe Winkelman - Peru Bobcats
4-H Enrollment Help
Enrollment Instructions4-H Calendar
2025 February calendar.pdf (Some dates are tentative.)
The 4-H Calendar is updated on a monthly basis.