Nebraska Extension in Nemaha County

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Nemaha County Extension

Connect with Us

Office Hours are Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM & 1:00 - 5:00 PM
The office will be closed on federal holidays. 

Our office is located in the basement of the Nemaha County Courthouse. 

Upcoming Event

Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Prep Course

Nebraska Extension will be offering the Part 107 Remote Pilot Exam Prep Course in Nemaha County at the 4-H Building in Auburn on March 7th. This course help people prepare for the FAA’s Aeronautical Knowledge Exam, required for a commercial drone pilot license. The course costs $275, which covers study materials, breakfast, and lunch, and there’s an educational discount for students and educators. 

Register Now
fruit sale nemaha

Local Interest

Interested in 4-H?

4-H is a youth development program empowering youth with skills to lead for a lifetime. 4-H is not just for farm kids showing farm animals at the county fair.  4-H is for everyone.  All year there are contests, workshops, club meetings and more.  See what 4-H has to offer through a learn by doing approach. 

Information on 4-H
Judging Contest

Enrollment in 4-H is open

Enrollment in 4-H is open.  Youth ages 5-18 by December 31st are eligible to participate.  Youth must be enrolled by June 15th or before participating in a contest or shooting sports practice.  

4-H Workshop

Upcoming Events

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