Fair Forms- DUE July 1st
Static Entry Form
Livestock Entry Form
Clover Bud Entry Form
Clothing Entry Form
Horse Entry Form
Fair Schedule
Livestock ID Sheets (Owner Affidavits) are due into the Extension Office June 15th.
- All YQCA has to be done by June 15 in order to show at county and state fair. EVERYONE showing Beef and Swine need to have their training in order to show at the County Fair and the Nebraska State Fair. Please give the Extension Office your certificates of completion so we can get you checked off. For more information on YQCA requirements and testing, please click here.
- To complete the annual training, visit https://yqcaprogram.org/.
Keith & Arthur Extension offers in-person trainings complete the requirement. Dates for 2025: TBD
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals | Nebraska 4-H | Nebraska
Nebraska State Fair Resources
- Nebraska State Fair - https://4h.unl.edu/statewide-events-opportunities/state-fair/
Static State Fairbook - https://4h.unl.edu/4-h-fairbook-nebraska-state-fair/static-exhibits/
- Livestock State Fairbook - https://4h.unl.edu/4-h-fairbook-nebraska-state-fair/live-animals/
- State Fair Animal Nomination/Identification Requirements - Find step-by-step instructions for nominating your livestock for state fair exhibition and how to pull DNA for Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Swine.
- State Fair Online Nominations through Show Stock Manager are due online by June 15. All DNA envelopes need to be handed into the county office by June 15 to show at State Fair.
Premise ID – State Fair animals will need to have a Premise ID on file and submitted when registering. Please go to https://nda.nebraska.gov/adt/premises.html to obtain a Premise ID.