The 4-H program is full of opportunities, but sometimes it may seem a little overwhelming. Keep in mind that your family’s 4-H experience should be tailored to fit your goals, schedule, and interests. Take some time and browse through the information below and contact the office with any questions.

Bonus Bucks Order Forms

Youth may earn bonus bucks when selling fruit during the 4-H Foundation Fundraiser (for each $50 worth of fruit sold a youth/family will receive $5 in Bonus Bucks). Bonus Bucks must be used within two years of the date they were earned. Bonus Bucks may be used to pay for (1) 4-H events (i.e. workshops, camps, state fair, CWF, etc.), (2) 4-H swag through 4-H Mall (, & (3) livestock equipment and show apparel through Valley Vet (

To redeem your Bonus Bucks, you must complete the appropriate form below.

4-H Mall Order Form

Valley Vet Order Form