- The 4-H Youth Development program abides by the nondiscrimination policies of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the United States Department of Agriculture.
- CHERRY COUNTY 4-H AGE REQUIREMENTS: 4-H age is determined by the age of the member on January 1st of the current year. 4-H members must have reached their 8th birthday and the last year of eligibility is the calendar year the member becomes 19. 4-H age classifications are: (unless otherwise noted) Age categories may vary for certain State competitions.
- Clover Kids 5-7
- Junior 8-10 Intermediate 11-13
- Senior 14 and up
- Clover Kid Members See index for the page number of guidelines and project list. Clover Kids can participate in some selected 4-H activities. Clover Kid fair entries are exhibited for participation only and are not judged competitively. Clover Kids do go through the interview judging process. Participation ribbons will be given. Clover Kids may exhibit some small livestock at the 4-H Fair. Included are any animal under 350 pounds if enrolled in the appropriate Clover Kid project. They may also show small animals in the Clover Kid Companion Animal Show and Tell.
- Exhibit and Entry Requirements
- No limit on exhibits unless otherwise designated. State Fair does have limited exhibits.
- Exhibits must represent the exhibitor's own work accomplished since the start of the current year. Exhibits previously entered in the Cherry County 4-H Fair, Cherry County Open Class or any other fair are not eligible to be re-entered. Exhibits cannot be entered in both Open Class and 4-H. No incomplete exhibits will be accepted. Any exhibit not meeting specific requirements in the premium book will be lowered one ribbon placing. Any article entered as a 4-H exhibit must have been completed as a 4-H project and not used as a project for any other organization.
- Participants must be enrolled by June 15 to exhibit at County Fair.
- Class numbers followed by an “L” are County Fair exhibits ONLY. There are no State Fair classes available for these exhibits.
- Judging of Exhibits
- All static exhibits in the 4-H Exhibit Hall will be interview judged. The ability to present to the judge information about the process of working through the 4-H project is considered a necessary component of completing the project. Extenuating circumstances will be reviewed before the 4-H Council.
- Exhibits will be judged according to their merit and receive appropriate color ribbons. Purple will denote a superior exhibit. Blue will denote an excellent exhibit, and red will denote a good exhibit. White will denote an exhibit that needs improvement. Exhibits must be purple quality to receive a trophy or to be named champion or reserve champion.
- A judge’s decision is final. Complaints must be registered in writing with the Protest Committee. (See Protest Committee section.)
- Premiums- County Fair premiums are paid by the Cherry County Agricultural Society. Checks are mailed from the Extension Office after the fair. Unless otherwise noted with the class information, premium amounts for ribbons awarded are: Purple = $5.00 Blue = $4.00 Red = $3.00 White = $2.00
- State Fair
- Only exhibits awarded a 4-H purple ribbon at County Fair are eligible to compete at State Fair, unless specified differently in the State Fair Premium Book.
- State Fair Exhibitor Rules include: 4-H'ers 8 years old (January 1 of the current year) are eligible to exhibit static items at State Fair. In classes where the presence of the 4-H'er is required, such as animal exhibits, contests, and fashion revue, a 4-H'er must be 8 years old, 4-H age, unless otherwise stated. The last year of eligibility is the calendar year the member becomes 19. See the State Fair rules for specific details.
- It is the responsibility of State Fair Entrants to obtain more detailed, current State Fair rules and policy information for State Fair exhibits or contests. This information is available online at http://4h.unl.edu/fairbook
- 4-H members must arrange for the transport of large items to and from State Fair. 5 In addition to a variety of Livestock-related contests (see Department Livestock & Animal, Guideline O), State Fair offers the opportunity for 4-Hers to participate in other shows and contests. These include Dog, Companion Animal, Rabbit, and Poultry shows, Dog Skillathon, Horticulture ID Contest, Robotics Mission Contest. Please check with Extension Office for entry information and deadlines. Information can be found at http://4h.unl.edu/fairbook
- Dress Code - Each 4-H member taking part in the 4-H livestock, horse, dog, shooting sports, and small animal exhibits must wear dark or blue denim jeans, an official Cherry County 4-H T-shirt, or a white shirt. Arm bands are no longer required with white shirts. Boots or hard-soled shoes should be worn for horse and livestock projects. Exhibitors in sheep and small animal projects must wear appropriate footwear. No hats, caps, or other types of headgear are to be worn in the show ring, except for horse exhibitors. There are additional dress code requirements for participation in the Horse Show & for Shooting Sports. Refer to 4H373, Nebraska 4-H Horse Show and Judging Guide. State Fair may require different dress codes than County F air. Review those requirements prior to showing at State Fair. J
- Animals
- Animals must be properly tagged with 4-H ear tags and have proper 4-H IDs filed with the Extension Office by dates SHOWN IN DEPT. LIVESTOCK & ANIMALS, ITEM C
- Animals shown in 4-H may be shown in Open Class but are not eligible for Open Class premiums. 4-H members and horses may participate in both the 4-H and Open Horse Shows.
- See additional rules under Dept. Livestock & Animals.
- Protest Committee - the respective committee has the authority to make appropriate decisions based on the 4-H Premium Book. When needed, a committee shall be appointed to serve as a protest review group. They will meet when needed to act upon concerns. All protests must be submitted in writing and signed. The written protest must be submitted to the 4-H Council and must include:
- Names of persons involved
- Nature of concerns
- Situation and documentation
- Recommendations for correction
- Specific action, rule, etc., in question
- Additional persons committee may contact for further clarification
Procedures and/or steps carried out by the person involved prior to submission of the protest to the 4-H Council.
The Committee will review the written protest. They may discuss the situation with affected persons and show officials, including the Cherry County Ag Society management. Recommendations will be developed, followed, and communicated both verbally and in writing to the group or individual affected. In cases of protest, the exhibitor may be allowed to show, but the results of showings will be subject to change based on the outcome of the protest process. This allows for the smooth operation of the show and facilitates appropriate processing. The 4-H Council reserves the right to withhold premiums and/or awards. The exhibitor may be excluded from the show if action warrants. Protests will not be accepted after the exhibit is released from the Fair. Protests related to judges' integrity, decisions, placings, or other evaluations will not be accepted.
- Disclaimer of Responsibility for Exhibits at Fair - Exhibitors are requested to pay particular attention to their article or animal on exhibit and at the close of the fair take charge of the same. The Cherry County Agricultural Society and the Cherry County Extension personnel will take every precaution for their safekeeping but will not be held responsible for any damage or accident that may occur. Exhibitors will be held responsible for any damage or accident which may be caused by their entries.
- Substance Abuse - Use or possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs (except for medical purposes) by any exhibitor who is participating in 4-H at the Fair will result in immediate disqualification of that exhibitor's entry.
- Situations Not Covered By the County 4-H Rules - will be governed by the State 4-H Rules and Policy Handbook