YQCA is the result of a collaborative effort between states that have previously offered multi-species youth livestock quality assurance programs, the National Pork Board’s Youth PQA Plus program and representatives from other national livestock groups.
YQCA is designed as an annual education and certification program focused on food safety, animal well-being and character awareness for youth ages 8 to 21 producing and/or showing pigs, beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, and poultry.
The program has been designed by extension specialists and national livestock program managers to ensure it is accurate, current and relevant to the needs of the animal industry and shows and is appropriate for youth.
YQCA is accepted at a number of shows across the United States. If your show is interested in learning more about YQCA to determine if it is suitable to meet your quality assurance requirements, please use the Contact Us page or please email help@yqcaprogram.org.
Youth for Quality Care of Animals Trainings
If youth ages 8-18 as of Jan 1 are showing beef, pigs, sheep or goats (this includes breeding,
bucket calves and feeder calves), dairy cattle, dairy goats, poultry and/or rabbits at County fair,
state fair, AKSARBEN or other shows, they need to complete the YQCA Certification.
There are 3 ways to complete this certification:
1. Youth can complete an online course. This course has 3 sections and youth must complete a
quiz in each of the sections and pass with an 80% or better. If youth do not get at least an 80%
they are locked out for an hour and should review material. This course also has a fee of $12
that must be paid online.
2. Youth can attend an Instructor Led Session put on by the Extension Office. Youth will attend
in-person and actively participate through the 60 minute PowerPoint, as well as some hands
on activities at the end. This session has a fee of $3 that must be paid online through the
YQCA Website. We also ask that you pre-register through the YQCA website so we can make
we have enough supplies for the hands on activities.
3. Youth could complete the Test Out option online at the Intermediate or Senior Level. These
courses cost $36 & $48 respectively.
Please visit: https://yqcaprogram.org/ for more information, get registered and pay fees for the in-
person course, or take the online course. I
Dates for Instructor Led Trainings:
. Wednesday, March 12 at the Extension Office at 1 pm
. Monday, April 21 at the Extension Office at 9 am
. Wednesday, May 21 at the Multi Purpose Building in Hemingford at 12 pm
Deadline to complete YQCA is June 15th! YQCA Certificates need to be sent (mmracek2@unl.edu)
or returned to the office.
Youth for Quality Care of Animals Trainings
Dates for Instructor Led Trainings:
. Wednesday, March 12 at the Extension Office at 1 pm
. Monday, April 21 at the Extension Office at 9 am
. Wednesday, May 21 at the Multi Purpose Building in Hemingford at 12 pm
Deadline to complete YQCA is June 15th! YQCA Certificates need to be sent (mmracek2@unl.edu)
or returned to the office.