4-H Enrollment


Register for 4-H

Enrollment - 2025

Box Butte County Enrollment Deadline- June 15, 2025

4-H began in the early 1900's as Corn Clubs for boys and Canning Clubs for girls. Although the program has changed a lot through the years, it has always been a program designed to help children become productive members of their communities.

4-H is a national organization delivered by Cooperative Extension–a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing. Youth complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and citizenship, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids experience 4-H in every county and parish in the country.

Nebraska 4-H prepares young people for successful futures. Educational programs place a strong emphasis on life skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, social skills, communication, responsibility, citizenship, and leadership.

Box Butte County 4-H Fundraiser

Goldie Husk Cherry

The 2025 Special Garden Project will focus on the Goldie Husk Cherry. This old-fashioned fruit from the tomato family has sweet berries inside golden husks. The fruits have many uses and can be eaten raw, dried, frozen, canned, or made into tasty treats like pies, desserts, or preserves. (I assure you the husk cherry is different than a groundcherry, which is a weed in Nebraska, that looks very similar, but isn’t edible)

Families need to contact the Extension Office by February 1st to order seeds and enroll in the Plant Science project in 4-H Online.

Goldie Husk Cherry

Agronomy Special Project

The Nebraska Extension Special Agronomy Project gives 4-H members an opportunity to experience a crop that is grown, was grown or has the potential to be grown in Nebraska. Youth participate by receiving seed and resources to grow the crop, research traits of the crop and determine the viability of that crop in the part of the state they live in. The project allows 4-H members interested in agronomy to grow something fun, new, and different. This year, we will be exploring a crop that can be marketed different ways depending on the variety. 

In the fifth year of the special agronomy project, youth will explore sunflowers!  There are two types of sunflower production in Nebraska. There are those grown for oil production, and those grown for human food consumption referred to as confectionery seeds. A portion of the oil seed production is used in the bird seed industry. Sunflowers are grown throughout the state of Nebraska with the greatest concentration in western Nebraska. The variety we will be growing is a high oleic hybrid. Its oil profile combined with a nice black seed color ensures multiple market options.

 Be eligible to enter an exhibit at the County and/or State Fair in the agronomy project area.  

Enroll for the 2025 Special Agronomy Project through 4-H Online by enrolling in the Agronomy project and contacting your local Nebraska Extension Office to order packets of seeds.  The local Extension Office will order and distribute the seeds to members.  Please have your order placed prior to March 1st

For project specifications and details, be sure to go to the Nebraska State Fairbook at https://4hfairbook.unl.edu/fairbookview.php/rules.  

Special Agronomy Project

Box Butte County


Clover Kid - Alliance Meeting

Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 4:00 p.m.


Clover Kid- Hemingford Meeting






4-H Clover Kids

Scholarship Information

For those who have a High School Senior within the Box Butte County 4-H Program or have a BoxButte County 4-H Alumni attending a 2 or 4 year college, please consider completing a scholarshipapplication! The applications are attached below for both the 4-H Alumni Scholarship and the High School Senior 4-H Scholarship Applications below (They are attached in Word or PDF form).
A committee will select 6 recipients (5 at $1000 and 1 at $500).
Both Scholarships will be due on Friday, April 11, 2025.
Please submit the high school scholarship s a physical paper copy; hand delivered or mail to 415 Black Hills Ave, Alliance, NE 69301. TheAlumni scholarship turned in as a physical copy or email to

If you have questions please contact the Extension Office.


2025 4-H High School Scholarship


2025 4-H Alumni Scholarship 


The Nebraska Women Involved in Farm Economics (WIFE) is pleased to offer the Cynthia Thomsen Scholarship. Nebraska WIFE is a grassroots organization dedicated to improving profitability in production agriculture. The one-year $2000 scholarship is available to any woman who lives in Nebraska who will begin her FIRST year in a University/Technical/Trade/Community College in a field related to agriculture and must be postmarked by March 25, 2025. The scholarship may be used at the school of the recipient’s choice in Nebraska. You'll find the application attached.


Cynthia Thomsen Scholarship



Youth 4-H Council Application

Youth Application for 4-H Council

4-H Pick Your Project


The Pick Your Project is an online database and selection guide for finding 4-H projects and their resources. Users can search for projects by keywords or browse by curriculum area, knowledge level, and geographic level.

Looking for a printable list of Nebraska 4-H projects? Visit the Nebraska 4-H Project Listing.

Visit Pick Your Project Website


2025 Box Butte County 4-H Council 

Krista Carter, President

Shauna Meyring, Vice-President

Alishia  Intermill, Secretary

Lacy Willey, Treasurer

Chad Bell, Member

Jaci Haas, Member

Rozlyn Wills, Jr. Member/ Co-Secretary

Gavin Bell, Jr. Member/ Co-Secretary

Katrina Karell, Jr. Member/Co-Secretary

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