Welcome to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in Cuming County. Our office brings you reliable, research-based information in agriculture and natural resources, consumer and family economics, commumity and economic development and 4-H/youth development. Our goal is simple ... to help you put knowledge to work!

What do you want to know?

If you have a question that's important to you - or if you want to know how to do something to improve your home, your family, your business, or your community - contact us:

Nebraska Extension in Cuming County

200 S Lincoln Str, Rm 50

West Point NE  68788-1848

Telephone:  402-372-6006

Fax:  402-372-6013

E-Mail:  cuming-county@unl.edu


Alfredo DiCostanzo, Extension Educator Livestock Systems - alfredo.dicostanzo@unl.edu 

Melissa Hagemeister, Extension Associate 4-H mhagemeister5@unl.edu 

Mary Jo Lueckenhoff, Support Staff - mlueckenhoff1@unl.edu

Regional Experts

Program ExpertTitleProgram AreaTelephoneE-Mail
Ian Peterson Extension Educator Horticulture, Landscape, and Environmental Systems 402-727-2775  ipeterson4@unl.edu
Tayler Wickham Extension Educator 4-H Youth Development 402-426-9455 tayler.wickham@unl.edu
Mailson Oliveira Extension Educator Water & Integrated Cropping Systems 402-727-2775 Mailson Oliveira
Lisa Poppe Extension Educator Early Childhood 402-727-2775 lpoppe2@unl.edu
  Extension Educator Rural Prosperity Nebraska 402-329-4821