What is 4-H? It is America's largest youth development organization. The 4-H organization empowers nearly six million youth across the U.S. with skills to lead for a lifetime.
Why Join 4-H? 4-H empowers young people to be true leaders by using a hands-on approach to learning. 4-H helps give young people the tools and encouragement to develop into great leaders.
What age can I join 4-H? Youth ages 5-18 are eligible to join 4-H.
Clover Kid Membership: Clover Kids are between the age of 5 and 7 on January 1 of the current program year to participate. Clover Kids is the officially recognized program in Nebraska for children under the age of 8. The program is designed to provide this age group with a variety of educational and recreational experiences.
4-H Membership: 4-H Members are between the age of 8 and 18 on January 1 of the current program year to participate. 4-Hers have opportunities to learn by doing, grow from failure, express their ideas, and use their influence to drive positive outcomes. That's why hands-on projects are an integral part of the 4-H experience.
Programs offered to youth in 4-H:
- Clover Colleges - Hands on summer workshops geared toward specific project areas for ages 6 and older.
- 4-H Summer Camps- There are more than 40 days and overnight camping programs offered each summer. Learn more about 4-H Camps. 4-H Camp scholarships are available.
- 4-H Afterschool Program- the 4-H Afterschool Program is a club offered to 3rd and 4th graders at Milford Elementary School and Centennial School! Email lori.hamling@unl.edu for more information.
4-H Partners Program- is a livestock mentoring program. It’s for youth who would like to learn about animals, but are not ready to own one. They are matched up with a mentor and learn how to care for that animal, how to raise it and how to show it. 2025 4-H Partners Program Flyer and Registration Form
4-H Parent & Guardian Roles
Parents and families play a critical role in the success of the 4-H program.
4-H is a place where parents and their children can learn and grow together. In 4-H, you, as the parent or guardian, are very important. You are always invited and encouraged to participate in all 4-H club activities. We recognize every family's schedule is different and you may not be able to attend every club function, but there are many different ways that you can contribute to your child's 4-H group. Your 4-H club leader will want to know about your interests and talents, and how you would like to support your child's 4-H group. Because 4-H has so many diverse experiences, we have discovered that every adult can find a parent volunteer role that matches their interests and the club's needs. Some possible helping roles include providing refreshments, supplies, or other resources for a club meeting; helping members with their projects, chaperoning a club field trip, or organizing the club's service project. Your club leader may have other suggestions. As a parent or guardian, these are the following roles you need to fulfill:
- Provide transportation for your child to and from 4-H events.
- Help your child learn to recite the 4-H pledge.
- Attend 4-H club functions with your child whenever possible. Children 5-8 (Clover Kid members) should always have a parent or guardian attend meetings with them.
- Guide your child as they select a 4-H project and help them develop goals that are challenging, but also realistic. Encourage their project work by making it a family learning experience.
- If your child serves in a leadership role within the club, help him/her fulfill the duties of the office.
- Read the Seward County 4-H Newsletter so you will know the details of upcoming special events, dates and deadlines. You will automatically start receiving this publication when you or your child enroll in a 4-H club.
- The 4-H staff will provide countywide training on portfolios, presentations, project workshops and other core 4-H learning experiences. Try to participate in these classes and workshops. By understanding more about our various 4-H programs, you can help your child excel and take advantage of all that 4-H has to offer.
- Attend your county wide 4-H Achievement Celebration as a family. Recognition always means more to children when their family is there to share it with them.
Enrollment is required for many 4-H programs and events. Club leaders, volunteers, and youth are required to annually enroll through v2.4honline.com each year to maintain membership. By enrolling youth have the opportunity to participate in the Seward County Fair, the Nebraska State Fair, youth workshops, and additional statewide programs. While enrollment is open year-round, youth interested in participating in county fair or the Nebraska State Fair must complete enrollment by June 15. Please contact our office if you are joining Seward County 4-H for the first time.