What is 4-H?
4-H is delivered by Cooperative Extension–a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing. Youth complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture, and citizenship, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids experience 4-H in every county and parish in the country.
The Nebraska 4-H Mission is:
To provide Nebraska youth with positive youth development opportunities that prepare them to become healthy, capable, and ready to engage in school, work, and life.
With our scientifically-proven approach to youth development and an unparallelled national network, 4-H is the only youth organization that can tackle this massive challenge. K-12 schools can't do this alone. Our 4-H educators teach youth the skills that traditional classrooms can't always guarantee, like resilience, confidence, adaptability, leadership, and lifelong personal growth. We empower young people to conquer life's obstacles. Our volunteers instill hope, tenacity, and positive identity in a generation that is struggling to find belonging and purpose. Our programs offer a place to learn where it's fun to try, okay to fail, and easy to grow.
Our 6 million 4-H'ers are living proof that a Ready Generation is possible.
The Ways of Participating in 4-H
In Nebraska, youth, ages 5-18, participate in 4-H through:
- Camps - 4-H overnight and day camps offer recreational, educational, and even career exploration opportunities. Enrollment is not required for participation. 10,000 youth in Nebraska participate in 4-H camp programs each year.
- Clubs - 4-H clubs are an organized group that meets regularly to focus on a series of educational experiences. Official enrollment is required. 25,000 youth in Nebraska participate in 4-H club programs each year.
- School Enrichment - School enrichment programs offer non-formal, hands-on educational experiences in classrooms in support of the school curriculum. Enrollment is not required. 80,000 youth in Nebraska participate in 4-H school enrichment programs each year.
- Afterschool - Afterschool programs meet between 3-6 PM to offer youth a safe, fun, and educational experience through hands-on activities and 4-H curriculum. Enrollment is not required unless the afterschool program is also an official 4-H club. 50,000 youth in Nebraska participate in 4-H afterschool programs each year.
- Special Interest Programs - Special interest programs include short-term experiences, such as workshops or clinics, as well as experiences focused on a single topic or interest. Special interest programs are not part of a school enrichment curriculum and are not restricted to 4-H members. 80,000 youth in Nebraska participate in 4-H special interest programs each year.
Additionally, youth may enroll in 4-H as:
- Clover Kids - Clover Kids are youth between the ages of 5 and 7. Clover Kids may participate in 4-H through a variety of delivery modes, such as clubs and camps. As an enrolled member, Clover Kids may also exhibit at county fairs.
- Independent Members - Youth who choose not to be involved in a formal 4-H club may still join 4-H as independent members. These youth have the opportunity to participate in their county fair, the Nebraska State Fair, and additional statewide events and events.
The 4-H Year
The 4-H year runs similar to a school year, with the new "year" beginning in late October and running through the end of September the following year. Many clubs become most active after January, but year-round participation is encouraged. The Otoe County Fair is a time to share all of the learning that has happened in project areas throughout the year by means of fair exhibits.
The 4-H Educational Focus Areas
The citizens of Nebraska help shape priorities which build the framework for the Nebraska 4-H program: