What is a Clover Kid?

Children ages five to seven are known in 4-H as “Clover Kids”. These children are full 4-H members and can participate in a wide range of programs and activities, including the fair. However, because research has shown that competition at this age is detrimental, Clover Kid members are not allowed to participate in competitive events. These Members do participate in many contest and receive participation ribbons. Their work just isn’t “judged” and compared to other children’s work. 

2023 County Fair Events

Johnson County Fair 4-H Exhibitor’s Guide –  Clover Kid Classes

Friday, August 18 – Clover Kid Show

Clover Kid Show Entry Form- DEADLINE  June 15 (PDF)

Clover Kid PET Show Entry Form- DEADLINE  June 15 (PDF)


TBD* – Clover Kid Food Revue
Clover Kid Favorite Food Revue Registration (PDF)