4-H Clover Kid, 4-H Member Enrollment
4-H Clover Kid and 4-H Member Enrollment Deadline is April 1
- 4-H Clubs - List of 4-H Clubs that you can join.
- How to Enroll - Clover Kids and Members need to enroll each year. Enroll online at: https://ne.4honline.com (Please use Google Chrome as your browser-click for a free download)
- Recruitment
- 4-H Recruitment Flyer - Club Leaders can cut this flyer in half and give to potential new members
- Project Resource Central - project reference guide that lists projects and resources
- 2016 Holt County Dues - Due March 1 to Lori Lemmer
4-H Volunteer Enrollment
4-H Volunteer Enrollment Deadline is April 1
- How to enroll - Volunteers need to enroll each year. In 2016, Volunteers will enroll online directly into 4HOnline (Please use Google Chrome as your browser-click for a free download)
- Volunteer Screening - The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has a strong interest in protecting the safety of youth in all UNL-sponsored programs and events, including those offered through the UNL Extension 4-H Youth Development Program. Volunteer applicants are screened in order to assure a safe, positive and nurturing environment for all youth involved with the Nebraska 4-H Youth Development program. ALL new volunteers and those screened in the past needed to redo the form in 2016. This is done on a 4 year rotation and 2016 was the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center year.
There is a new form and the following are the directions on filling it out:- New Forms will have a barcode at the top and bottom of page that will be used to identify our organization requesting the registry check. Be sure your form has both barcodes. Please download and print original document (on two pieces of paper - Do Not Print on back side) and do not make copies. The barcode needs to stay clear so it can be scanned at DHHS. ONLY this form can be used – all other forms will be sent back to the individual to fill out the correct form.
- Forms verifying the volunteer’s identity/signature must be signed by an employee of the extension office in county they are volunteering. If not signed by extension office employee they must be notarized by a notary public.
- Be sure to write in the name of the county where volunteering at the bottom of the page.
- Mail originals to State 4-H office Attn: Kim Novotny 114 Ag Hall, Lincoln 68583-0700. Mark envelope Confidential.
Incomplete Volunteer Forms
- For privacy reasons all incomplete forms will be returned to the volunteer for completion. Please review the form prior to sending it to make sure it is complete.
- Do not leave sections blank, If it does not apply – write NONE or N/A.
- Social Security Numbers are REQUIRED.
- Previous Addresses – if volunteer has lived in the same location for 20 years, filling in "same as above" will be accepted.
- Make sure handwriting is LEGIBLE.
- Project Resource Central - project reference guide that lists projects and resources