AKSARBEN Pioneer and Heritage Farm Awards
Nebraska is full of families who have been farming and keeping traditions alive for decades.
Applications for an Aksarben Farm Family Award may be submitted at anytime throughout the year, but the cutoff date for application processing is April 15th. Any applications submitted after the deadline of April 15th will be awarded the following year.
Once they receive your application, they will process with the county the farmland is located within. They work with the County Fair Board Representative to ensure that all historic information and family lineage is verified. Once they receive approval from the county, the award and gatepost marker are created and presented to the family at their respective county fair throughout the summer months.
This award is presented by the Aksarben Foundation in partnership with the Nebraska Farm Bureau and the Nebraska Association of Fair Managers. These awards honor the families who have held same family ownership of land for either 100 (Pioneer Award) or 150 (Heritage Award) years.
This program recognizes farm families in Nebraska whose land has been owned by members of the same family for 100 years (Pioneer Award) and 150 years (Heritage Award). The farm’s current minimum size required to submit an application is 40 acres, unless the original deed or homestead documents state the original homestead was less than 40 acres.