4-H offers a wide variety of opportunities for you to discover your world, your community and yourself. YOU make your own choices and set your own goals!
The flagship of 4-H is the traditional club program where youth receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on leadership roles. Clubs have regular meetings and some clubs learn at least one project together and do community service projects.
4-H independent membership is designed for planned learning that occurs independently of a formal group setting. For many youths, their exposure to 4-H experiences and learning materials comes through activities conducted either within their family or an independent membership. Independent members learn with their families at their own pace. While 4-H encourages participation in club settings to promote friendship and interaction with other youth and adults, for some youth, this is not always possible. Families and independent members are welcome to participate in the 4-H experience.
Where and How to Enrollment in 4-H -
- STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to Enroll/re-enroll each year by April 1 by using the online 4-H enrollment program to receive communication from the Extension Office on upcoming activities, events, deadlines, county fair, etc. for the year.
- Steps to Enroll -
- https://v2.4honline.com/
- Please use Google Chrome as your browser - DO NOT use Internet Explorer
- If you have an account in 4-H Online, please use your login information to sign into your account. If you are having difficulties getting logged into your account, please call the office for assistance. DO NOT create a new account.
Join a 4-H Club -
- Holt County 4-H Clubs
- Boyd County 4-H Clubs
- For Independent 4-H Members - When you are enrolling on v2.4honline.com as an Independent 4-H member on the clubs tab you still need to choose either Holt County Independent Member or Boyd County Independent Member before you can enroll in any projects.
4-H and Clover Kid Projects -
Projects provide the basis of the 4-H program by offering various educational experiences. Carrying out a project will help the member "learn by doing" as well as learn "why" things happen the way they do.
- 4-H Projects - Scroll down to red border. Click on the down arrow next to the curriculum areas that you are interested in. You can click on the various project that are linked in the dropdowns. Those links will take you to an description and the manual that would be the resource for that project.
- Pick Your Project - available in an interactive, searchable format!
- Clover Kid Project List (*211.0 kb pdf file - 1 page)
- Unlimited number of Static (non-animal) Projects - Unlimited Static (non-animal) Fair Exhibits
- 2 Animal projects - 2 Animal entries only under those projects at the County Fair
Manual Order Forms for 4-H and Clover Kid Members -
- Holt/Boyd Clover Kid & 4-H Member Manual Order Form
- Choice your membership type - Do not choose Clover Kid projects if you are 4-H member age - Clover Kid projects will be available only for Clover Kid members
- If project not listed; there is no manual available
- Holt County - 4-H'er receives 2 manuals free of charge - Additional manuals will cost $5.00 each.
- Boyd County - You or your club will be billed for the cost of all publications
- You will receive an email when your complete your order.
Holt/Boyd Clover Kid Resources -
Holt/Boyd Member Checklists -
Holt County Dues -
- Payable to Holt County 4-H Council by March 1
- Council dues are $10.00 per 4-H member (age 8-18) and $5.00 per Clover Kid member (age 5-7).
- These dues are used in Holt County for member insurance, materials, record books, publications, and to support county 4-H activities.
Partnership With FFA -
- Learn more about our partnership with Future Farmers of America (FFA) Memorandum of Understanding
Summer Workshops -
- Holt/Boyd Summer Workshops - Watch the monthly newsletters for information on the workshops.
Calendars -
- Check out this site - It has all of our 4-H calendars for Holt and Boyd Counties - https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/holt-boyd/holtboyd-4-h-calendar/