N-Field Observations
UNL professionals share their field observations in brief segments, highlighting specific topics and issues occurring in agriculture.

Holt/Boyd County Crops and Water Educator
Pesticide and Chemigation Resources
- The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) is responsible for the certification and licensing of pesticide applicators in Nebraska. Find more information about certification and licensing here.
- You can find your license number and other information at Kelly Solution.
Private Pesticide Training Schedule (In-Person)
Private Pesticide Training Schedule (Online)
- Find your Chemigation Applicator Number or expiration date at The Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy.
Chemigation Training Schedule (In-Person)
Chemigation Training Schedule (Online)
Nitrogen Certification
Please check with your local NRD for requirements and upcoming trainings.
Lower Niobrara NRD - 402-775-2343
Middle Niobrara NRD - 402-376-3241
Upper Elkhorn NRD - 402-432-6190
Center For Agricultural Profitability
Land and leasing (rental rates, lease forms, etc.)
Custom Rates
Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report
Succession and Estate Plannings
Other Resources
Bazile Groundwater Management Area
The Bazile Groundwater Management Area (BGMA) is comprised of land located within four Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) including the Lewis and Clark NRD, Lower Elkhorn NRD, Lower Niobrara NRD, and the Upper Elkhorn NRD.