- Crop Production Worksheet
- Range Judging Handbook and Contest Guide (EC150, Revised July 2016)
- Common Grasses of Nebraska (EC170)
- Common Forbs and Shrubs of Nebraska (EC118)
- Selecting and Preparing Vegetables and Herbs for Exhibit
- Preparing Cut Flowers for County and State Fair
- Guide to Growing Houseplants NebGuide G2205
- Guide to Selecting Houseplants NebGuide G837
- Sample Entry Tags - Explanation on how to fill in Horticulture and Floriculture Entry Tags for the Holt and Boyd County Fairs - For the number of tags that you need at the fair . . . you will create that number of generic entries in Fairwire. You will receive the Generic Floriculture/Horticulture Tags as you have done in the past. You will need to fill in the class number; class name; and variety (cultivar) name on each printed tag that you receive. These are required fields. See this Sample Tag Sheet for more information.
- Horticulture/Floriculture Entry Form - For Use On Entry Day of Holt or Boyd County Fair, the rest of the information will be gathered when you check in. Please bring a list of the classes that you will be entering in. This form is for you to list what you actually brought to fair. Give this completed form to the 4-H Staff.