State Wide 4-H Opportunities

Statewide 4-H Livestock Opportunities

Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort

The Nebraska 4-H Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort is an opportunity for youth interested in learning more about the swine industry. The program is designed to cultivate the next generation of leaders in the Nebraska swine industry. The goal is to enhance the educational value of the traditional 4-H swine projects by focusing on swine production, accurate and complete record-keeping, industry knowledge, and engagement by the 4-H member. Registration deadline Feb. 1, 2025.

Fed Steer Challenge

The Nebraska 4-H Fed Steer Challenge is an opportunity for youth interested in learning more about the cattle industry and is designed to cultivate the next generation of leaders in the Nebraska cattle industry.

The goal of the Fed Steer Challenge is to enhance the educational value of the traditional 4-H beef projects by providing an affordable option that rewards production merit and carcass value of the market animal, along with accurate and complete record-keeping, industry knowledge, and producer engagement by the 4-H member.

Great Plains Judging Circuit

The Great Plains Livestock Judging Circuit is a lineup of contests held throughout the state giving youth the opportunity to perfect their skills in preparation for the Nebraska 4-H Premier Animal Science Event (PASE). Qualifying youth must attend a minimum of two contests in addition to the PASE livestock judging contest in order to be eligible for awards and scholarships. The top 5 individuals in the Senior and Intermediate divisions will be recognized as part of the All-State Team during the Grand Drive at the Nebraska State Fair.

Livestock Judging Video Series

Practice livestock judging from home with the Nebraska 4-H Online Livestock Judging Video Series! Start by sorting through the class and working on your reasons. Then, get tips and tricks for improving your skills while listening to a critique of the class.