Harlan County Junior Fair - July 28 - August 1, 2025
Fairgrounds, Orleans, Nebraska
Harlan County Fair
4-H Exhibitor Information
- 4-H Online Enrollment - (DUE JUNE 15)
- Harlan County 4-H Exhibitor Numbers - coming in June
Harlan County Contests
- Public Speaking Contest – Contest March 17 (DUE MARCH 10)
- Bike Rodeo – Date TBA
- Favorite Foods (DUE JULY 18TH)
- Fashion & Talent (DUE JULY 18TH)
Harlan County 4-H Events
- Kick Off - March 16
- RSVP is Appreciated: https://go.unl.edu/hc-kickoff
- Beef Weigh-in - March 22
- Workshops
- Achievement Celebration
- Brown Bags

4-H Animal Resources
- Livestock Premise ID Brochure
- How to obtain a Premise ID
- How to get a Flock ID for Sheep & Goats
- To request official sheep and goat tags, a flock or premises ID, or both, call 1-866-USDA-Tag (866-873-2824).
Harlan County 4-H Animal Resources
Livestock ID Affidavits
The Nebraska State Fair 4-H Animal Identification Guidelines Chart is helpful for knowing the requirements and timelines for tags or tattoos, ear notches and DNA needed for each species of animal. The deadline for BEEF, GOATS, HORSE SHEEP and SWINE the deadline is June 15.
The ID forms can be printed at home, filled and signed. Please drop off forms at the Extension Office (Harlan County, 705 Second Street) or email forms to harlan-county@unl.edu
Remember, all forms with signature lines must be signed.
- Livestock ID Sheets (DUE JUNE 15TH)
- Livestock Pre-Entries (DUE JUNE 15TH)
- Horse Pre-Entries & Registration (DUE JUNE 15TH)
- Small Animal Pre-Entries (DUE JULY 18TH)
- 4-H Stall/Pen Assignments (DUE JULY 18TH)
YQCA Training
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) certification is required yearly for all 4-H youth participating in the 4-H and FFA livestock shows.
Age divisions for YQCA certification are based on 4-H member age as of Jan. 1.
Exhibitors are required to complete training and provide certificate copies (print or digital) to the Extension Office in their county by July 1.
Those who do not complete the training will not be eligible to exhibit livestock at the Harlan County Fair or the Nebraska State Fair.
- YQCA Login
- Web-Based Training Help Document
- Instructor-Led Training Help Document
- Test-Out Help Document - Available for youth ages 12, 15, and 19, for only youth in the first year of Age Level.
- Saving and Printing YQCA Certificates
- Hearing Disability Accommodations
4-H Static Project Resources
- Supporting Information & How-To
- Scoresheets - NE State Fair
Nebraska State Fair
August 22nd - September 1st
Fonner Park, Grand Island, NE
- Nebraska State Fair - Nebraska 4-H Webpage
- 2025 Fair Book
- State Fair 4-H Livestock Exhibitor Resources
- EID Tag Placement
- DNA Hair Sampling Instructions
- State Fair Livestock ID & Nomination Requirements
- Show Stock Manager (Online Nominations) - DUE June 15
- State Fair Animal Entry Registration - August 10 @ 8 pm
- 2025 Schedule - coming soon
- 2024 Results
- County Award Entry Form
- Achievement Application - Junior
- Achievement Application - Senior
- Clover Kid Record Book
Below are county awards & state awards. If you have any questions about the application process, please feel free to contact Harlan-county@unl.edu or call the office at 308-928-2119.
All 4-H Achievement Applications, County Awards, and Diamond Clover
will be due to the Harlan County Extension Office by November 1.
Please submit to harlan-county@unl.edu or drop off at the Harlan County Extension Office.
4-H County Project Award Pins
The Harlan County 4-H Council supports award pins for recognition of outstanding learning and performance in several areas. To be eligible for the following awards, 4-H members must complete their 4-H Achievement Application. 4-Her’s can only receive the award once.
To apply for the following awards, youth must:
- Fill out a 4-H Achievement Application & County Award Form
- Place the County Award Application in front of your 4-H Achievement Application. This is very important. If your award form is not seen, your application will not be considered.
- The 4-H Achievement Application should reflect the excellence you have achieved in the project areas for which you are applying.
- Submit your 4-H Achievement Application & County Award Forms by November 1st.
State-Level Applications
4-H Diamond Clover Diamond Clover - for all ages 8-18.
The Nebraska 4-H Diamond Clover program encourages 4-H youth to engage in a variety of programs, projects, and activities that will enable youth to acquire skills and abilities that will prepare them for success in the future. The program is designed to reach and recognize all youth engaged in 4-H, from club members and campers to school enrichment, afterschool, and special interest program participants.
The program consists of six levels that require a young person to plan and report a broad range of age-appropriate accomplishments. For each level, the Nebraska 4-H Diamond Clover program provides a list of accomplishments from which 4-H youth choose their goals. The accomplishments increase in quantity and difficulty for each level. At the beginning of the 4-H year, participants plan what to accomplish and at the end of the 4-H year, they report on their completed accomplishments. Successful completion of a level's Plan & Report form results in a 4-H youth earning that level of the Diamond Clover program.
- Completed Diamond Clover forms due by November 1st. The form is separate from the traditional 4-H Achievement Application.
Please do not put the form in with your Achievement Application. - https://4h.unl.edu/diamond-clover
Nebraska 4-H Foundation Scholarships - for ages 15-18
The Nebraska 4-H Foundation utilizes the Achievement Application for awarding scholarships. Youth interested in applying for these scholarships must make that designation on their application, as well as complete the additional section titled "Nebraska 4-H Foundation Scholarships." Additional materials are required for youth applying for scholarships, including a copy of current transcripts and ACT/SAT scores. These materials must be submitted digitally along with the completed Achievement Application. Scholarship applicants must follow the state-level completion and submission procedures below. For more information, please see Nebraska 4-H Foundation Recognition.
Note for Scholarship Applicants only:
- Only the application review committee will have access to transcripts and test scores.
National 4-H Conference & National 4-H Congress - for ages 15-18
Nebraska 4-H utilizes the 4-H Achievement Application to select delegates for National 4-H Congress and National 4-H Conference. To apply as a delegate to either national experience, youth must make that designation on their 4-H Achievement Application, as well as complete the additional section titled "Representing Nebraska 4-H." Delegate applicants must follow the state-level completion and submission procedures below.
Generally, delegate applicants should:
- Be age 15-19 during the calendar year in which the trip occurs in order to be considered.
- Not have been a delegate to the program in which they are applying.
- Be able to miss one full week of school and/or work to attend the program.
- Be a participant in any Nebraska 4-H program or delivery mode, including clubs, camps, school enrichment, or after school programs.
- Be dependable and punctual.
If selected, delegates will be expected to:
- Participate in an orientation and complete pre-programmed assignments
- Check and respond to email and other online information regularly in preparation for the leadership experience
- Participate fully in the program
- Carry out follow-up responsibilities designated by the 4-H program
- Make public appearances for 4-H
Notes for delegate applicants only:
- A fifth page is allowed for delegate applicants.
- As you complete the application, remember that while participation in 4-H programs, leadership, and community are important, the information you can share when you return from the leadership experience is equally important.
- Delegates may be required to travel to an airport that is not the closest to them due to chaperone location and cost restrictions.
For more information regarding eligibility, expenses, and selection processes, please visit the National 4-H Conference page and National 4-H Congress page.
Statewide 4-H Opportunities
Statewide 4-H Events
Statewide 4-H Livestock Opportunities
Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort
The Nebraska 4-H Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort is an opportunity for youth interested in learning more about the swine industry. The program is designed to cultivate the next generation of leaders in the Nebraska swine industry. The goal is to enhance the educational value of the traditional 4-H swine projects by focusing on swine production, accurate and complete record-keeping, industry knowledge, and engagement by the 4-H member. Registration deadline Feb. 1, 2025.
Fed Steer Challenge
The Nebraska 4-H Fed Steer Challenge is an opportunity for youth interested in learning more about the cattle industry and is designed to cultivate the next generation of leaders in the Nebraska cattle industry.
The goal of the Fed Steer Challenge is to enhance the educational value of the traditional 4-H beef projects by providing an affordable option that rewards production merit and carcass value of the market animal, along with accurate and complete record-keeping, industry knowledge, and producer engagement by the 4-H member.
Great Plains Judging Circuit
The Great Plains Livestock Judging Circuit is a lineup of contests held throughout the state giving youth the opportunity to perfect their skills in preparation for the Nebraska 4-H Premier Animal Science Event (PASE). Qualifying youth must attend a minimum of two contests in addition to the PASE livestock judging contest in order to be eligible for awards and scholarships. The top 5 individuals in the Senior and Intermediate divisions will be recognized as part of the All-State Team during the Grand Drive at the Nebraska State Fair.
Livestock Judging Video Series
Practice livestock judging from home with the Nebraska 4-H Online Livestock Judging Video Series! Start by sorting through the class and working on your reasons. Then, get tips and tricks for improving your skills while listening to a critique of the class.