Furnas County Fair
July 14 - July 19
THEME - "There is no place like 4-H"
Furnas County Fairgrounds, Beaver City, NE
Furnas County 4-H Recognition Fund Contributors
- 4-H Exhibitor Information
- 2024 Furnas County 4-H Fair Book
- 4-H Online Enrollment - (DUE JUNE 15)
- Furnas County Fair Volunteer Sign-Up - (DUE JULY)
- 4-H Calendar
- How to obtain a Premise ID
- Animal Exhibit
- Livestock Pre-Entries - (DUE JUNE 15TH)
- Horse Pre-Entries & Registration - (DUE JUNE 15TH)
- Clover Kid Livestock Pre-Entries - (DUE JUNE 15TH)
- Small Animal Pre-Entries (DUE JULY 7TH)
- Programs & Results
- 4-H Stall/Pen Assignments (AVAILABLE IN JULY)
- Contest
- Static Exhibits
- Pre-Entry - (DUE JULY 7TH)
- Clover Kid Static Pre-Entry - (DUE JULY 7TH)
- Supporting Information & How-To
- Scoresheets - NE State Fair
County Events
- Achievement Celebration
- Family Livestock Judging Contest
- Public Speaking Contest
- Shooting Sports
- Workshops
Nebraska State Fair
August 22nd - September 1st
Fonner Park, Grand Island, NE
- Nebraska State Fair - Nebraska 4-H Webpage
- Nebraska State Fair - Nebraska State Fair Webpage
- State Fair Resources
- Show Stock Manager (Online Nominations) - DUE June 15
- State Fair Livestock ID & Nomination Requirements
- State Fair Animal Entry Registration - August 10 @ 8 pm
- 2025 Fair Book
- 2025 Schedule - coming soon
- 2024 Results
Statewide Events
- AKSARBEN Stock Show
- Camps (NE 4-H State Page) - 2023 Adventure Together Camp Schedule (Flyer)
- Communications & Expressive Arts
- Horse Program
- Premier Animal Science Event (PASE)
- Progress Shows & Statewide Opportunities
- Robotics
- 4-H Participation Points Form for Camp Scholarship
- County Award Entry Form
- Achievement Application - Junior
- Achievement Application - Senior
- Clover Kid Record Book
To apply for the following awards, youth must:
- Fill out the form
- Place the County Award Application in front of your Achievement Application. This is very important. If your award form is not seen, your application will not be considered.
- The Achievement Application should reflect the excellence you have achieved in the project areas for which you are applying.
- Submit your 4-H Achievement Application & County Award Forms by October 1st.
The Furnas County 4-H Council supports award pins for recognition of outstanding learning and performance in several areas. To be eligible for the following awards, 4-H members must be in the second year and have completed their Achievement Application. 4-Her’s can only receive the award once.
Scholarships towards a 4-H Camp of their choice (Inspire Academy is included in this) are awarded from the 4-H Council for those 4-Her's completing their Achievement Application. 4-H'ers will be receiving a money scholarship & Clover Kids will also receive a money scholarship.
Family & Consumer Science & Ag Awards
NO FORM REQUIRED FOR THIS RECOGNITION, ONLY SUBMISSION OF ACHIEVEMENT APPLICATION NECESSARY. The 4-H Council selected these individuals to receive the Family and Consumer Science and Ag awards based on the following requirements: The winners must have participated in any two of the following activities on the county level: Judging livestock, presentations, public speaking, or talent contest. All winners must complete the Achievement Application to qualify. The Furnas County 4-H Council awards Jr. Division Winners with a $10 Check and Sr. Division Winners with a $25 Check.
This is a special monetary award for young members in memory of Helen who was a 4-H Leader from Beaver City. Members who have been enrolled in 4-H for three years or less are eligible for nomination by Council members. The nominee must complete a 4-H project and Achievement Application the following year to receive their award.
4-H Diamond Clover
The Nebraska 4-H Diamond Clover program encourages 4-H youth to engage in a variety of programs, projects, and activities that will enable youth to acquire skills and abilities that will prepare them for success in the future. The program is designed to reach and recognize all youth engaged in 4-H, from club members and campers to school enrichment, afterschool, and special interest program participants.
The program consists of six levels that require a young person to plan and report a broad range of age-appropriate accomplishments. For each level, the Nebraska 4-H Diamond Clover program provides a list of accomplishments from which 4-H youth choose their goals. The accomplishments increase in quantity and difficulty for each level. At the beginning of the 4-H year, participants plan what to accomplish and at the end of the 4-H year, they report on their completed accomplishments. Successful completion of a level's Plan & Report form results in a 4-H youth earning that level of the Diamond Clover program.
- Completed Diamond Clover forms due by October 1st, 2024. The form is separate from the traditional 4-H Achievement Application. Please do not put the form in with your Achievement Application.
- https://4h.unl.edu/diamond-clover
This is a recording keeping book for Clover Kids (age 5-7 by January 1). Submit your record keeping book by October 1st.