4-H Enrollment
4-H Enrollment is open and at no charge to you to enroll.
To learn more about Enrollment Steps to enroll for the 2024/2025 4-H year!
Project selection is optional. By successfully completing the 4-H member enrollment, youth will be eligible to participate and exhibit in any project area, contest, county and state fairs.
While project selection is optional, it is encouraged for youth to select projects they are interested in exploring.
Enrollment Website: https://v2.4honline.com/
Nebraska Extension Master Gardener Program
The Nebraska Master Gardener program extends the outreach of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) by providing volunteers with research-based horticulture education, which prepares them to share their knowledge with the citizens of the State.
Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Reporting website: must know your username and password when signing in.
Lasting Legacy
A multi-state extension workshop series for women in agriculture will offer strategies to evaluate and improve farm estate and transition plans.
“Leaving a Lasting Legacy for Midwestern Farm Women: A Succession Planning Series,” will be held from 5 to 8 p.m. Central time on Jan. 21, Jan. 28, Feb. 4 and Feb. 11 at sites across Kansas, Nebraska and Indiana. The series is being produced through a collaborative effort by extension programs at Kansas State University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Purdue University.
Topics covered will include motivation for succession planning, communicating with family, the financial aspects of estate and transition plans, and the legal aspects of putting a plan in place. A keynote speaker will be simulcast to every workshop location during each meeting, with time for questions and a hands-on activity for participants. A meal will be provided on each date.
Groskopf said the program’s structure is intended to strengthen networks of women in rural areas, which can provide opportunities for building trust and sharing information. “Connections are so important to rural women,” she said. “We have seen the benefits that come from knowing your peers, having a place to share difficulties, and mitigate the isolation that so many of us in agriculture often feel.”
The registration fee for in-person attendance is $60 before Jan. 13 and increases to $75 on or after Jan. 13. A virtual option is available for $75. Participants are encouraged to attend all four sessions. More information and registration is available on the Nebraska Women in Agriculture website, https://wia.unl.edu/succession25.
Connect with Us
How can Furnas County Extension help you?
Identify plants and probelms
Not sure what kind of tree is in your yard? Having problems with your turf, garden or houseplants? Bring in a sample of the plant and our expert can identify the plant and also diagnose problems or disease.
Identify insects in the home and outdoors
Bring a specimen into the office in a sealed plastic bag or container and our expert will identify what it is and best methods to control or eliminate it.
Test pressure cookers and food safety advice
Not sure if your pressure cooker gauge is correct? No need to bring the entire unit - just bring the lid with the gauge we will test it for you. Our expert can provide you with canning resources that will help you through the process.
Advice on beef cattle operations
Our beef systems expert can connect you with valuable resources on topics such as winterizing your herd, rations, pasture rental and more.
Help youth find their spark in 4-H
Want to learn more about 4-H and how the program empowers youth? Reach out to us and we'll be happy to assist you.
Center for Agricultural Profitability
The interdisciplinary Center for Agricultural Profitability is based in the Department of Agricultural Economics. It facilitates faculty research, conducts extension outreach related to agricultural profitability and farm and ranch management and trains undergraduate and graduate students — all to support informed decision-making in agriculture.
Nebraska Farmland Values and Cash Rental Rates
For the fifth consecutive year, the all-land average value in Nebraska rose for the year ending February 1, 2024, to $4,015 per acre, averaging approximately 5% higher than the prior year.
Results are published by region and land type
Nebraska Farm Custom Rates Report
A survey of agricultural custom operators is conducted in Nebraska every two years. A total of 159 survey responses were received in 2024 with information reflecting the current rates charged by custom operators for machine hire services and other work they provide for neighboring farms and ranches or as part of a business enterprise that covers a broader area. Survey participants identified by Nebraska Extension personnel, or in some cases, self-identified custom operators, received a paper survey or a web link to complete the custom rates survey online.
Actual rates paid for custom services may vary from those listed in these survey results due to differences in the operators responding and those providing services across the State.
Quick Links: Ag Budget Calculator | Land Link | Ag Carbon
Pesticide Safety Education Program
The Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, in concert with Extension Specialists, Extension Educators, and other collaborators, provides educational and training programs that address human health, the environment, economic well being, and pesticide safety.
Other links you may find helpful are also on the website.
Private Applicator Training for certification and licensing
In-person training will begin Jan. 1, 2025. Until then, you can still certify for a private applicator license by completing an online training program for private applicators or passing a private applicator exam.
- In-person 2025 private training dates If you don’t see trainings in your area, check back, dates are added daily.
- Harlan County site: February 13 at the Ag Center in Orleans - 9:30am and 1:30pm
Online training
- Online private self-study program
- Programa de autoaprendizaje en línea para aplicador privado de pesticida
NOTICE: If you enroll in an online private applicator training program in 2024, you must finish it by December 31, 2024, to receive certification credit. You will not be able to recover your progress after that date. The 2025 online private applicator training programs will become available on January 1, 2025.
Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort
Registration is now open for the 2025 Nebraska 4-H Farrowed and Owned Swine Cohort. Project animals may be shown at the county fair. Nebraska State Fair exhibition is optional. All cohort members will participate in an interview at the 2025 Nebraska State Fair. Join the first session in February for more details! Register by February 1 at https://4h.unl.edu/farrowed-owned. For questions, contact Benny Mote at bmote8@unl.edu, or 402-310-9878