County Contest
Communications Event
For more information about the Communications Event please visit
1.Youth must be currently enrolled in 4-H to participate in the Premier Communication Event.
2.Prepared Speech, Radio Public Service Announcement (PSA), and Illustrated Presentation contest classes:
- Youth must receive a purple ribbon at their County Contest and be selected to participate in the Premier Communication Event in these classes.
- Counties may select up to five (5) contestants in each age division.
3.Impromptu Speech and Video Communication:
- Open to all youth enrolled in 4-H.
4.If eligible, youth may participate in all contest classes.
5.Pre-registration for the Premier Communication Event is required for all participants and is completed by local Extension offices. There is a $10 fee per entry for the Prepared Speech, Radio Public Service Announcement (PSA), Illustrated Presentation, and Impromptu Speech Contest; there is no entry fee for the Video Communication Contest.
*Classes marked with an asterisk (*) are not eligible for State Fair.
- Junior Division (ages 8-10): 2-3 minutes
- Intermediate Division (ages 11-13): 3-5 minutes
- Senior Division (ages 14-18): 5-8 minutes
- For Senior Division only, judges will deduct three points from the score for every 30 seconds under or over the time limit.
2.Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed.
3.All speeches must be original and include 4-H as the major component of the speech.
4.4-H public speakers may not use the old speech written by a sibling, another 4-H member, or anyone else.
5.Acknowledge the source of information used in the speech. For example, an article from a magazine may be used for reference but should not be quoted directly unless you tell the audience your source.
6.The use of visual aids and props is not allowed.
Dress appropriately. Do not wear costumes or special effects clothing.
- *Clover Kid (5-7): Time limit is under 2 minutes. Can be a speech, poem or story. Does not have to be about 4-H.
- Junior (8-10): Time limit is under 3 minutes.
- Intermediate (ages 11-13): Time limit 3-5 minutes.
- Senior (ages 14-18): Time limit 5-8 minutes.
1.Length: 60 seconds
2.Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed.
3.Youth will prepare a PSA around the theme: Ready through 4-H…. and beyond
4.All radio PSA's must promote 4-H and be general enough to be used anywhere in Nebraska at any time of the year.
5.All 4-H PSA's must include the following tagline within the last 10 seconds of the PSA: "Learn more about the Nebraska Extension 4-H Youth Development Program at" The tagline is included in the 60-second time limit.
6.Sound effects and public-domain music may be used. Copyrighted material may not be used.
7.All PSA's must be the original work of the presenter. Contestants may not use PSA's written and provided by the state or national staff.
8.PSA entries will be submitted electronically in a .wav or .mp3 audio format along with the registration form.
County PSA’s must be emailed to by May 16th at 5:00 p.m. for the county contest. Failure to do this will result in one dropped ribbon placing.
*1. Clover Kid (ages 5-7)
2. Junior (ages 8-10)
3. Intermediate (ages 11-13)
4. Senior (ages 14-18)
An Illustrated Presentation is a live presentation with a formal talk where youth will use visual aids (such as props, posters, computer-based visuals, handouts, video, etc.) to show and tell others how to do something. The judge views the entire presentation and engages in a question-and-answer session following the presentation.
- Individual - Junior Division: 3-5 minutes
- Individual - Intermediate and Senior Divisions: 6-8 minutes
- Team - Junior Division: 5-7 minutes
- Team - Intermediate and Senior Divisions: 8-10 minutes
- Participants will be penalized if their presentation exceeds the time limit
2.An Illustrated Presentation may be given by one (1) individual or a team of two (2) individuals. If team members are not in the same age division, they must compete in the age division of the oldest team member.
3.All presentation topics should be related to what the 4-H youth is learning through 4-H educational experiences.
4.Presentations should include an introduction (the "why" portion of the topic), a body (the "show and tell" portion of the topic), and a conclusion/summary (the "what" portion of the topic).
5.The check-in area will contain temporary storage space for presentation supplies. Only presenters and contest officials will be permitted in the designated preparation areas; no relatives or friends, please. Presenters are expected to clean up the areas in which they work.
6.Equipment provided includes two (2) tables, one (1) easel, PC compatible computer (including Microsoft PowerPoint) with a WiFi internet connection, and a projector or television screen.
If using provided computer for presentation the presentation file (PowerPoint, Canva, etc.) must be sent by May 16th at 5 p.m. to for the county contest.
7.Presenters using computer-based visuals may bring files on a USB drive that is PC formatted. Participants may also provide their own computer or other equipment as needed; however, participants must be able to connect their computers to an HDMI cord.
8. Due to event location, live animals will not be able to be used in the presentation. Alternative ways of showing information about live animals (models, videos, photos, etc.) are encouraged.
1.*Clover Kids (ages 5-7)
2.Junior (ages 8-10)
3.Intermediate (ages 11-13)
4.Senior (ages 14-18)
The Impromptu Speech competition gives youth the opportunity to write and present a speech around a 4-H-related topic that they select during the competition, where they are given 15 minutes to develop and prepare for their presentation. Judges evaluate the subject, organization, and delivery of the speech.
- Junior Division (ages 8-10): 1 1/2 minutes
- Intermediate Division (ages 11-13): 3 minutes
- Senior Division (ages 14-18): 5 minutes
2.Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed.
3.On the day of the contest, participants will have a topic randomly selected for them. Youth will have no more than 15 minutes to develop a speech on the selected topic. Participants will then deliver the speech to judges and audience members.
4.Example topic: My Day in 4-H
The video communication contest allows youth to create a multi-media video around a theme related to 4-H. Judges will be evaluating on both the organization of information as well as the audio and video production.
1.Length: 60-90 seconds
2.Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed.
3.Youth may use a phone, laptop, or tablet to create a multi-media piece around the theme: Ready through 4-H… and beyond
4.Sound effects, public-domain music, and graphics can be used. Copyrighted materials may not be used.
5.Videos will be submitted electronically as MP4 files along with the registration form.
The videos must be emailed to by May 16th at 5:00 p.m. for the county contest. Failure to do this will result in one dropped ribbon placing
6.Age Divisions:
Junior Division (ages 8-10)
Intermediate Division (ages 11-13): 3 minutes
Senior Division (ages 14-18): 5 minutes
Culinary Challenge
The Culinary Challenge will take place July 16th .
The 4-H Culinary Challenge Contest will require youth to demonstrate healthy decision making through nutrition, food preparation, menu planning, and food safety; utilizing a foods and nutrition curriculum. They will apply healthy living knowledge and skills by planning a nutritious menu, demonstrating their understanding of time management skills in the kitchen, and expressing their originality and creativity through an appropriate themed and properly set table. To showcase these skills, youth will create a menu, prepare a food item, and choose an appropriate theme for their occasion while expressing their food, nutrition, and food safety knowledge during a live interview with a judge at the contest.
1.Challenge Ingredient: A challenge ingredient will be selected each year, highlighting a Nebraska Commodity food product. The 2025 challenge ingredient is PORK. Each team/individual must incorporate the challenge ingredient into their food item they will be presenting during the contest. This may require altering a recipe or creatively incorporating an item into their overall table theme. The challenge ingredient must also be included in the interview presentation, demonstrating youth knowledge of the ingredient, such as nutritional value, a farm-to-fork concept, or how to adapt a recipe to include the ingredient
2.Food Safety: Please keep food safety in mind when selecting the recipe used for the challenge. Foods must be able to be kept chilled during transport to the contest, then be able to be re-heated in a microwave if needed.
3. Team: A team will consist of two members eligible to compete. 4-H members must be 8 years of age by January 1 of the current calendar year. At the Fillmore County Culinary Challenge, individual or team entries are allowed.
4.Setting the Table; Participants will not be allowed to have outside help when setting their table. One warning will be issued as a reminder. If a second warning must occur the participant will be disqualified.
5.Judge Interviews: Judging interviews will be approximately 12 to 15 minutes. This time includes a short presentation by the teams, as well as questions from the judge. Teams should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their assigned time to set up their table. The team/individual should view themselves as the hosts, welcoming the judge, cooperatively presenting the table to the judge, incorporating multi-media resources, and answering any questions from the judge. Teams must be prepared to present to the judge utilizing technology, such as slideshow, picture story, or other multi-media resources. Technology is optional for Clover Kid members. Presentations may include photos, clip art, animation, video or audio sound. The 4-H members should cooperatively present a verbal presentation to the judge that is highlighted by their multi-media presentation via computer or tablet. Participants must provide their own computer or other equipment needed for their 4-H Foods Event judging interview. Presentations will occur at participants’ tables. Please do not bring projectors or other equipment which will require extra space.
Considerations should be given to creatively include the following items through the multi-media presentation:
Nutritional facts of their menu
Food safety
Time management
Choice of menu
Food preparation
Cost of item/per serving
Food handling techniques
Recipe of the food item shared with the judge
Challenge ingredient (nutritional value, farm-to-fork, recipe revision, etc.)
6: Supplies: Exhibitors must provide their own table for the display. Please contact the office prior to the contest if you are in need of a table.
7:Attire: During judging, 4-H members may choose to dress in appropriate clothing, costume, or accessories relevant to the theme.
8.Technology: 4-H members must incorporated
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* Clover Kid Culinary Challenge (Ages 5-7)
*97 Junior Culinary Challenge (Ages 8-12)
*98 Senior Culinary Challenge (Ages 13-18)
The Culinary challenge is also a contest held at the Nebraska State Fair. In addition to the challenge ingredient, participants must incorporate technology as a part of their interview to showcase skills and knowledge learned. Learn more at
Fashion Show
Clover Kids may participate in the Fashion Show with their Project at the Public Fashion Show. Limited to one entry per Clover Kid. No premiums will be awarded. Items will not modeled on Clothing Judging Day. Pre-entry required.
C410005 Modeled Constructed STEAM Clothing 1 Garment(s) (S118) Possible types of STEAM Clothing 1 garments include: Bag/Purse, Simple Top, Simple Bottom, Simple Dress, Other- Using skills learned in project manual, Upcycled Simple Garment, or Upcycled Accessory.[AS1]
State Fair Eligible Classes:
C410010 Modeled “Beyond the Needle” Embellished Garment(s) with an Original Design (SF118) - Garment is created using intermediate or advanced techniques as defined in the project manual. Designs are the original idea of the 4-H member using the elements and principles of design to make an original statement.
C410015 Modeled “Beyond the Needle” Garment Constructed From Original Designed Fabric (SF118) - Fabric yardage is designed first, then a garment is constructed from that fabric. Other embellishments may be added.
C410020 Modeled “Beyond the Needle” Textile Arts Garment(s) (SF118) - Garment is constructed using new unconventional materials. Examples: rubber bands, plastic, duct tape.
C410025 Modeled "Beyond the Needle" Wearable Technology Garment (SF118) - Garment has integrated technology into its design.
C410030 Modeled Constructed STEAM Clothing 2 Garment(s) (SF118) - 4-H members who have enrolled in or who have completed STEAM Clothing 3 projects are not eligible to enter STEAM Clothing 2. Possible types of STEAM Clothing 2 garments include:
- Dress; OR
- Romper or Jumpsuit; OR
- Two-Piece Outfit Combination (skirt with top, vest, or lined/unlined jacket; jumper and top; pants or shorts outfit (pants or shorts with top, vest, lined/unlined jacket). Or a purchased top can be worn to complete a vest or lined/unlined jacket outfit with a constructed bottom. OR
- Upcycled Outfit Combination - must contain a complete constructed outfit (examples: if the top is upcycled, must include a constructed bottom, upcycled dress).
C410040 Modeled Constructed STEAM Clothing 3 Garment(s) (SF118) - Possible types of STEAM Clothing three garments include:
- Dress or formal; OR
- Skirted Outfit Combination (skirt with top, vest, lined/unlined jacket OR jumper and shirt) A purchased top can be worn to complete a vest or jacket outfit with a skirt, pants or shorts.; OR
- Pants or Shorts Outfit Combination (pants or shorts with top, vest, lined/unlined jacket) A purchased top can be worn to complete a vest or jacket outfit with a skirt, pants or shorts.; OR
- Romper or Jumpsuit; OR
- Specialty Wear (swim wear, costumes, western wear-chaps, chinks, riding attire or hunting gear); OR
- Non-tailored Lined or Unlined Jacket or Coat, additional pieces with jacket or coat may either be constructed or purchased.; OR
- Tailored Coat, Blazer, Suit Jacket, or Outerwear. Additional pieces with coat, blazer, jacket or outerwear may either be constructed or purchased. OR
- Upcycled Outfit Combination - must contain a complete constructed outfit (examples: if the top is upcycled, must include a constructed bottom, upcycled dress).
C410050 Modeled Knitted or Crocheted Clothing (Level 2 or 3) (SF118) - Knitted garment using pattern stitches such as diamond, block, twist or seed/moss stitches or advanced knitting stitches such as pass slip stitch over, double-pointed needle knitting, cable, Turkish, tamerna, plait, germaine, feather and fan or knitting with one or more patterns such as Aran or Fair Isle. Crocheted garment using pattern stitches such as texture, shell, cluster or mesh stitches or advance crochet stitches such as afghan, broomstick, hairpin lace, design motifs or pattern stitches. The garment can be a sweater, cardigan, dress, coat, a top and bottom, or a two-piece ensemble.
C410060 Modeled Shopping In Style Purchased Outfit and Written Report (SF185) The curriculum is developed and designed for youth ages 8 and older to help them strengthen their consumer skills when purchasing clothing. 4-H members must model a complete outfit. All pieces of the garment must be purchased.
Talent Show
*Classes marked with an asterisk (*) are not eligible for State Fair.
- Eligibility - All performers must be 4-Hers, with the exception of Class 3. Only one accompanist may join performer. Accompanist need not be in 4-H.
- Accompaniment - Performers may use recorded or live accompaniment. A piano and CD player will be provided. Music stands must be provided by the performer. Live performance accompanist need not be in 4-H.
- Time - Please limit performances to 6 minutes.
- Approval of talent performance must be completed by Extension Staff one week prior to event to ensure proper space availability.[AS1] [B2]
- Awards – One Champion and one Reserve Champion trophy will be awarded. All other performers will be awarded ribbons.
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*1 Individual Performance
*2 Group Performance
*3 Inter-Generational Performance – For those who wish to perform with someone of another generation. Each performer must have an equal part in the performance.