By Kathleen Cue, Nebraska Extension Horticulture Educator
(Part 3 of 3)
Nebraska Extension Master Gardeners are Extension-educated volunteers who make a difference in their communities, reaching people from all backgrounds and ethnicities about research-based gardening information. Knowing lots about gardening before joining the program is not a requirement. Becoming a Master Gardener involves a love of learning and the ability to volunteer to share gardening knowledge with others.
The first step in becoming a Master Gardener Intern is to attend an informational meeting. This will be held Friday, January 11, 2019 at 3:00 pm at the Dodge County Extension Office, 1206 West 23rd Street in Fremont. At this no-obligation meeting you will find information on the class schedule for 2019, the number of volunteer hours required, applications to the program, and assistance in determining if this volunteer program is a good fit for you. You will also get a chance to visit with a Master Gardener to learn of their experience in the program. Applications to the program are only available at this meeting, so if you plan to attend, please let us know you are coming by calling 402.727.2775 or emailing
Master Gardener applicants are interviewed in a fun and welcoming environment. Interns will be assigned a Master Gardener mentor to help with transitioning them through the program. Classes begin on March 6. The cost of the education is $175 and includes the Nebraska Extension Master Gardener Handbook, a t-shirt, name badge, and hand-outs. If this fee is a challenge for you, other options will be shared at the informational meeting.
Master Gardeners share a strong sense of fellowship and purpose, helping people in their community and county create environments that are healthy, productive and diverse. Hope to see you at the informational meeting!
Go to Dodge County Horticulture Web Page for more information