Clay County 4-H enrollment

2025 Enrollment is open!

Youth enrollment guidelines:

Website to enroll:

You will use the same username and password as before. Work through and enroll in 2024-2025 4-H year. At this point the program will have you update youth personal information. Be sure to complete the page of authorizations. The health form remains optional. Update club and projects. The final step will be to click on "submit enrollment." From this point it will show up at the Extension Office and we will "accept it".

If you are new to 4-H, begin with the website You will then create a family profile, and proceed to enroll from there. Please save your password, as you will use this in the future to log in as well.



Volunteer/Leader guidelines:

4-H Leaders, volunteers, and Council members, you ALL will be required to complete volunteer screening this year. When you enroll make sure you complete all of the steps to complete the screening. If you do not complete these steps, you WILL NOT be approved to be a leader/volunteer. THIS IS A STATE REQUIREMENT. If you have any questions please reach out to us. Also, if your birthday is not correct, email Cara your birthdate and she will get that changed. I encourage you to refer to this link as you are enrolling if you are a new leader!

Leaders, Council members, and volunteers: You will also enroll at