All 4-H members enrolled in beef, bucket calf, feeder calf, cow/calf, dairy, goats, sheep, swine, rabbit, and/or poultry, must complete a Quality Assurance Training. We will hold a YQCA instructor led training on Tuesday, May 21 at 9:00 am and 1:30 pm, and Tuesday, June 11 at 9:00 am, at the Hartington City Auditorium Basement. There is a $3.00 fee for the 4-H instructor led training session. You will need to register online and pay this fee with a credit card before the training sessions in order for us to go in and verify that your child has completed the course.
4-H to register: Visit
Also visit link for login & registration directions
Due to Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA) parents will need to register children.
Parents will receive a confirmation email to validate. Add all your children needing to complete YQCA (this does not include Clover Kids) and submit.
Complete the data sharing consent.
Now you are ready to purchase your YQCA training.
Go to the Home Page. Scroll down and select a training you would like.
Click Proceed to Buy when you are finished. Purchase Course via Credit Card ($3 for instructor led, or $12 for online training)
All students must take the pre-test after signing up for an instructor-led course. Instructors will not be able to mark students as complete until they take the pre-test. Students can access the pretest by signing into their YQCA account and then clicking on the blue username. In the dropdown menu, students will select “Enrolled ILT Trainings” and click the Pre-Test button.
Attend the training on May 21 or June 11 at the Hartington City Auditorium Basement
If you are unable to attend our instructor-led training you can attend another county’s or you will need to complete the online training. The Youth Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) self-directed course is available at or a link to the online course can be found on our Cedar County 4-H webpage and under the “Livestock & Small Animals” tab; The YQCA online course will cost $12.00 for each child.
After completion of the online training please download and email a copy of your YQCA certificate to our office.