12.28.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (Beef tagging and weigh is Dec 29, leader year end reports DUE, Special Garden Project, Introducing the new 4-H council, Communication update, Re-enroll, AkSarBen Lamb Challenge, Clubs with Clover Kids, Shooting Sports Leader Certification, Calendar reminders)
12.21.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (Dec 31 due date for end-of-year reports, 4-H fabric on sale, Beef tagging, Special Garden Project, Re-enroll, Shooting Sports, apply to build 3D Robot, Teacher Scholar Academy, AkSarBen Ag Leaders Scholarship, Youth Corn Challenge, Calendar Reminders)
12.14.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (Open House for Katie Kreuser, Year End Reports, Beef Tagging, Note from Brett Kreifels, Re-enrollment and projects, More leaders for Shooting Sports, Clubs with Clover Kids, AkSarBen Ag Leaders, Newsletter, Calendar Reminders)
12.07.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (Year-end reports, Gifts for Christmas, Beef Tagging, Note from Brett Kreifels, Nebraska 4-H Gives Back, Kudos to Plattsmouth Diversity 4-H Club, Enrollment and Projects, Shooting Sports needs more leaders, Holiday Crafts with JoAnn + 4-H, Photography Theme for 2019, Senior Scholarships, Newsletter, Be Inspired!, Calendars)
11.30.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (Survey, Shooting Sports leaders, Ag Leaders Scholarship, Jr. Livestock Show, Shooting Sports Certification, 8th Graders - UNL Next Chapter, Spirit of Community Award, Camp, 2019 Photography Theme, District Horse Show, Enrollment, Senior Scholarships, STEM, Calendar)
11.09.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (Communication Survey, Office closed for Veteran's Day, Premium Checks, Plattsmouth Newspaper, 4HOnline project list, Scholarship deadline Dec 1, Wildlife career day, news and calendar)
11.02.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (Last day to vote, Achievement Program & Party Sunday, monthly newsletter, online cat club, enrollment, FarmHER, Animal & Wildlife Career Day, Prudential Awards, Livestock Show, Calendar reminders)
10.26.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (Vote for council members, Achievement Party, Photo Contest trip to D.C., Static and Shooting Sports superintendents meetings, enrollment, NE Fed Steer Challenge, FarmHER, 30DaysofDoing, Prudential award, senior scholarship application, Live Classic Show, Calendar reminders)
10.19.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (4HOnline enrollment open, Welcome to Katie Kreuser, Nebr Fed Steer Challenge, Achievement Program and Party, Inspire Kids to Do, Prudential awards, Scholarship opportunity, Livestock Classic Steer & Heifer Show, Calendar)
10.12.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (Prudential Spirit Community Award, Tractor Supply Paper Clover, KUDOS, Clover Kids curriculum, Martha & Don Romeo Scholarship, Sale on 4-H curriculum, School Enrichment, 4-H Enrollment for 2018-2019, News for leaders, Northeast Community College Livestock Classic Steer & Heifer Show, Calendar)
09.28.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (Monday's deadline, KUDOS, Oct newsletter, 4-H curriculum sale, Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, Spotlight your club, Shooting Sports Ambassador Program, Resources for leaders, Calendar)
09.21.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (Next BIG due date is Oct 1, 4-H Curriculum Sale, special 4-H council meeting, newsletter, KUDOS to Jillian Rathe, Calendar)
09.14.2018 4-H Friday News Blast ... (KUDOS to clubs and clean-up helpers, 4-H Council Meeting, everything that's due October 1st, upcoming opportunities)
09.07.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Kudos, 4-H Council Meeting, State Fair, Opportunities for 4-H members in Beef, Horse, & Shooting Sports, Camping news, Spotlight features in Midwest Messenger, calendar)
08.31.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Thank you cards, State Fair Results, Pick up exhibits, the Midwest Messenger, Calling all Doers, Calendar, opportunities in and around Cass County)
08.17.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (State fair tickets, thank you notes, cake auction checks, food items to state fair, Midwest Messenger!, National 4-H brand campaign, calendar)
08.03.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Fair cleanup, entry day, hand in raffle tickets/money, interview judging, cake auction, discounted state fair tickets, pork chop dinner from KanEquip, Auction flyer, State fair entries, etc)
07-27-18 4-H Friday News Blast (Discounted State Fair tickets, selling Tractor Raffle Tickets at the fair, Aug 4 fair cleanup, upcoming contests and shows, interview judging, t-shirts, state fair entry due-date, calling all doers)
07.20.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Tractor raffle updates, fair clean-up, auctions, shooting sports workshop, horse show, recipes, t-shirts for sale, state fair due date August 10, calendar)
07.13.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (deadline July 15, 4-H Council Meeting, Fundraiser, Shooting Sports hours, Shooting Sports Workshop, Bridle & Saddle Horse Show, Shirts, State Fair entries and Volunteers, Calendar dates, Theme)
06.29.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (rescheduled Horse Show, Incubators, Contests, Leaders of Shooting Sports, Raffle Tickets, Livestock deadline, t-shirts for sale, FilmFest, Swine Showmanship Clinic, KUDOS X 3!, calendars)
06.22.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Herbs workshop, Bridle and Saddle Horse Show, Fair contests, next livestock deadlines, Tractor Safety Certification, Calender full of events, other opportunities)
06.15.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Herbs workshop change of date, babysitting workshop, Identification forms due, next deadline July 15th, workshops, Bridle and Saddle Horse Show, Fair Schedule, Aksarben Updates, calendar reminders)
06.08.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Rabbit Tattooing, Herbs workshop change, Livestock DEADLINE, Workshops, Fair Books, Raffle a tractor, June Newsletter, KUDOS to Dylan and the Poultry Judging team, calendar reminders)
06-01-2018 4-H Friday News Blast (last YQCA Face-2-Face, Aksarben Updates, Fashion Show Updates, JUNE 15th, Summer Embryology, 4-H Family event, KUDOS to: Kate, Monster Hares, Muffin Magic, Table Runners; Next Week's Workshops, June Newsletter, PASE, Calendar)
05.25.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Office closed Monday, KUDOS to Joslyn and Zane, Shooting Sports Volunteers, Fashion Show updates, Animal Handbook, YQCA certificates, Nature Night Walk, Time for tags/notches/tattoos, PASE & Life Challenge, 4-H Festival, Calendar reminders)
05.18.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (4-H Council Meeting Monday, Certificates for YQCA, Eartags on 4-H animals, Premises ID, PASE, Keep the chicks-or bring them back, sewing, family event nature walk, KUDOS, calendars reminders)
05.11.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Horse ID's due today!, Seniors, Quilts, Regional Public Speaking Contest, YQCA, Embryology, Tractor Safety Training, Nature Walk, KUDOS to Monster Hares, calendar)
05.04.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Summer Embryology Experience, deadline for Horse Entries, winners of random drawing, 4-Hers and Quilts go hand-in-hand, May Newsletter, Winners Unlimited Livestock Judging, progress shows, calendar reminders)
04.27.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (office closed, summer workshops, deadline to report service project, curriculum is on sale till Monday, horse entries due May 11, quilt items and quilters, calendar)
04.20.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Summer Workshops, 4-H Curriculum Sale, Design Camp at Halsey, more Progress Shows, KUDOS Public Speaking, Horse Judges' Schooling, Quilts, Calendar reminders)
04.13.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Early Birds save $$$, Small Animal Mtg Monday, Public Speaking entries due today/contest Tuesday, curriculum on sale now, working w/ Clover Kids, Fairbook changes, YQCA, new progress shows, Raise your Hand, Text Messages, KUDOS to Tomorrow's Producers 4-H Club, Calendar Reminders, News in and around Cass County)
04.06.2017 4-H Friday News Blast (4-H Club Fundraisesrs, deadline for Public Speaking Contest, Newsletter, Raise your Hand, Flower Seeds, YQCA link, calendar reminders)
03.30.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (18 calendar reminders for April, Public Speaking Contest clarifications, Pick up seeds, Opportunities around Cass Co)
03.23.2018 4-HFriday News Blast (Job posting, Spaghetti on April 7th, Scholarship app due April 1st, Flower seeds are here!, Horse Level Testing, Pop Tabs, Speech Contest, Club Challenge, No Sheep/Goat tagging, Project Announcements, Opportunities from Extension)
03.15.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Intern posting, 4-H council meets Monday, 4-H Tax information, Flower Seeds ready, speech contest, animal science experience at UNL, Beef Progress Show, New Goat Classes, 4-H Club Challenge, monthly newsletter, Opportunities outside of 4-H in and around Cass County)
03.09.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Job Posting for Intern, New Goat Classes, Monthly Newsletter, Senior Scholarship due 3/16, opportunities for 4-Hers, camp and workshop scholarships, t-shirt contest, State BB Fun and air rifle, public speaking contest, KUDOS, county news)
03.02.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (4HOnline, Horse Stampede, Companion Animal Challenge, Horse Dressage School & Clinic, Camp & Workshop scholarships, t-shirt design contest, NAYI, Public Speaking Contest, YQCA Face-2-Face training dates, and Ag News)
02.23.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (4-H volunteer leader training Monday, deadlines for scholarships, enrollment, t-shirt contest, NAYI, 4-H Public Speeking Contest, and Ag News)
02.16.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (LOTS of deadlines, horse meeting date, scholarships - seniors and camp, looking ahead, KUDOS to Joslyn, Office Closed Monday, Ag News...)
02.09.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (two meetings in Cass County, Senior Scholarship Application, T-Shirt Contest, Stampede, 2020CWF, another Shooting Sports leader certification, Clover Kid Resources, 4-H Olympian, Youth in Action, Seed Starting & Vegetable Gardening workshop on Tuesday, Instant Pot class)
01.26.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Special Garden Project and Treasurer's Report due next week, Enrollment due date March 1, Volunteer mtg, DNA envelopes, YQCA, Horse Stampede, camps, Cattlemen's Classic Livestock Judging, Shooting Sports, Ag News)
01.19.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (Order garden seeds, Year-end reports, Enrollment due March 1st, Volunteer mtg Feb 5th, shooting sports calendar, horse project members announcements, Spotlight on 4-H, Spring Rabbit Show, KUDOS to Fairland Giants and Joslyn Stamp, 4-H History, Ag around the area.)
01.12.2018 4-H Friday News Blasts (Beef weigh-in rescheduled for tomorrow, 4-H Council Meeting, Office Closed Monday, Order seeds for Special Garden Project by January 31st, 4-H Webcast Series, Year end reports by January 31st, Enrollment helps, Volunteer Training, Impact report, Horse informational meeting, Poultry, rabbit and small animal imformational meeting)
01.05.2018 4-H Friday News Blast (4-H Volunteer Training, Laser Cutter & 3D Printer workshops, Quilters needed, Selection 4-H Projects, Enrollment, Year-end Treasurer's Reports, Special Garden Project, 4-H Club of the Month, January Newsletter, 4-H Council Meeeting, Upcoming Events for 4-H and Ag)