Welcome to the Buffalo County Extension
The mission of Nebraska Extension in Buffalo County is to engage with the communities of Buffalo County, connecting them with resources, research and innovation of the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. We strive to be the educational resource for every Nebraskan, inspiring fulfilled, prosperous and healthy lives. We are here to serve you! Stop in to see us at 1400 E 34th Street in Kearney (on the south side of the fairgrounds) or call us at 308-236-1235.

February 19 - Gothenburg
2025 Feedlot Roundtables
10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
We encourage feedlot owners, managers, employees, and allied industry to join Nebraska Feedlot Extension February 19th as we dive into a series of timely topics covering feedlot management. Highlights from the program include managing hairy heel wart in the feedyard, leveraging cattle implant strategies for greater gains, UNL research update, and a market outlook with speakers from UNL Extension and Nebraska Cattlemen. Pete Anderson with Midwest PMS will deliver a session on “People Management- The key to outstanding feedyard performance”.
Join us from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. Cost is $20 paid online at time of registration or at the door. Lunch will be provided.
· February 19th in Gothenburg, NE, at the Bayer Water Utilization Learning Center
Pre-registration is requested by Friday, February 14th, and can be completed online at: https://go.unl.edu/2025roundtable.

Family Fun - Spark an Interest in S.T.E.M.
(Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)
Looking for ways to enhance critical thinking and problem solving skills in youth? The Buffalo County Extension has S.T.E.M. backpacks available for checkout. Each backpack will inspire an interest in S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) and is customizable for ages 5-14, contains materials in English and Spanish, has all supplies needed to complete an activity and is free of charge. Buffalo County families can borrow a backpack for up to 7 days. You can choose from Bugs & More Bugs, Tornadoes, Let's Be an Engineer, Let's Grow a Plant, Engineer It, Water and DNA.
See what's inside Bugs & More Bugs:

Connect with Us
How Can Buffalo County Extension Help You?
Identify plants and problems
Not sure what kind of tree is in your yard? Having problems with your turf, garden or houseplants? Bring in a sample of the plant and our expert can identify the plant and also diagnose problems or disease.
Identify insects in the home and outdoors
Bring a specimen into the office in a sealed plastic bag or container and our expert will identify what it is and best methods to control or eliminate it.
Test pressure cookers and food safety advice
Not sure if your pressure cooker gauge is correct? No need to bring the entire unit - just bring the lid with the gauge, and we will test it for you. Our expert can provide you with canning resources that will help you through the process.
Advice on cow-calf operations
Our beef systems expert can connect you with valuable resources on topics such as winterizing your herd, rations, pasture rental and more.
Help youth find their spark in 4-H
Want to learn more about 4-H and how the program empowers youth? Reach out to us and we'll be happy to assist you.
And Much More!
We are always here to help, and we welcome you to stop by or give us a call. We take pride in providing Buffalo County communities with resources to live fulfilled, prosperous and healthy lives.