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2025 4-H Partners Program

2025 4-H Partners Program Flyer and Registration Form
Return to the Seward County Office by March 31, 2025.
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2024 Nebraska Farm Custom Rates Report
This report provides a summary of State averages for specific custom operations in Table 1. More detailed information covering the results of the custom rates survey by Nebraska Agricultural Statistical Districts is provided in two parts. Part I of the survey focused on spring and summer farm and ranch operations such as planting, tillage, and baling hay. Part II of the custom rates survey included questions about fall operations such as harvesting, hauling grain and livestock, as well as miscellaneous custom work activities on the farm.
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Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report - Website Link

"Good Life in Early Life"

From Nebraskans to Nebraskans
The “Good Life in Early Life” podcast, a product of Nebraska Extension’s Early Childhood program, disseminates the latest insights in Early Care and Education (ECE) tailored for a Nebraska audience. The podcast’s mission is to provide a unique platform, delivering scientific information in an accessible manner while uplifting Nebraskans through relatable success stories in early childhood within the state.
The podcast format allows for information to be shared in a timely and responsive manner to meet the emerging needs of parents and educators. Emily Manning, Extension educator and the podcast host, highlights the podcast’s distinctiveness by explaining, “Unlike traditional programming with formal presentations to large groups, a podcast fosters sharing experiences and mutual encouragement, cultivating a supportive community among Nebraskans.”
4-H Projects

Projects provide the basis of the 4-H program by offering various educational experiences. Carrying out a project will help the member "learn by doing" as well as learn "why" things happen the way they do. Project selection is optional for Nebraska 4-H members, with the exception of horse and shooting sports projects. However, youth are encouraged to officially enroll in projects they are interested in. The project enrollment process may help youth learn valuable management skills like goal-setting, record-keeping, planning, and organizing.