Presentation Contest


March 9th, 2024
St Lukes Lutheran Church
211 West 2nd St
Emerson, NE

Registration deadline March 4th.

County Fairbook Presentation Section

Remember "Show & Tell" from Elementary school?  Well, 4-H Presentations are much like "Show & Tell", basically a presentation is when the demonstrator (you) shows and tells how to make something or how to do something. 

You can also give an illustrated talk, which is presenting an idea, giving information telling how to do or make something without actually showing how. In most presentations there may be a combination of  demonstrating and illustrating your topic.


  • Select a topic you know something about and one that lends itself to showing “How to…” For example “How to correctly measure flour”.
  • Prepare a brief outline.  Every 4-H presentation has three main parts—and introduction, a body and a summary.  The  Introduction should attract attention by telling your audience what you are going to do and it should convince them you know what your are doing.
  • The Body is where you go through the “How to” steps. List the steps so your audience clearly understands what you are doing.  The Summary tells your audience again what you have just done, by reviewing the main steps.  Finish with a statement like “I hope you will try this new recipe”.  Once your outline is complete, you can plan in more detail what you plan to say. 

    Gather the equipment you will be using. If you are showing how to wash a dog, gather a hose, buckets, shampoo, brushes and towels.  Whatever you need to complete this task. 

  • Make charts, posters or use power point slides to help illustrate your main points. Keep them brief, you only need to include key points.   Posters need to be on sturdy mat board and with printing large enough for audience members in the back of the room to see.  Keep them simple and clear.

  • Write your script.  Now you need to fill-in your outline with the details.

  • Practice your presentation in front of your family or your club to get their reaction.  They can help you polish your presentation so that it is clearly understood by the audience.  This is called polishing your presentation.

  • Practice, practice and practice some more!  You should now be prepared and ready to do your best!

The 4-H Presentations is Illustrated Presentations
  • An Illustrated  Presentation,  given by one (1) individual or a team of two (2) individuals, is a live presentation with a formal talk where youth will use visual aids (such as props, posters, computer-based visuals, handouts, video, etc.) to show and tell others how to do something.  Judge views the entire presentation and engages in a question and answer session following presentation.
  • All presentation topics should be related to what the 4-H youth is learning through 4-H educational experiences. length: 
  • Individual:  Junior  3-5 minutes, Intermediate/Senior  6-8 minutes 
    Team:  Junior 5-7 Minutes, Intermediate/Senior 8-10 minutes.
  • Participants may be penalized if their presentation exceeds the time limits.

Check out the information below for tips and ideas on giving and improving 4-H Presentations.

Video Communication

The video communication contest allows youth to create a multi-media video around a theme related to 4-H. Judges will be evaluating on both the organization of information as well as the audio and video production.

For questions about this contest, please contact the superintendent: Angela Abts.


  • Length: 60-90 seconds
  • Only individuals may compete in this class; no team entries are allowed. 
  • Youth may use a phone, laptop, or tablet to create a multi-media piece around the theme: Discover Your Spark in Nebraska 4-H!
  • Sound effects, public-domain music, and graphics can be used. Copyrighted materials may not be used. 
  • Videos will be submitted electronically as MP4 files along with the registration form.
