Quality Assurance

Livestock Quality Assurance Requirements

Youth participating in poultry, beef, dairy cattle, dairy goat, sheep, meat goat, swine, or rabbit are required to complete 4-H Livestock Quality Assurance.  This requirement can be achieved through completing the online Moodle course.

4-H Livestock Quality Assurance Moodle Course

The Livestock QA Team uses an online version available to Nebraska 4-Her's to complete their Livestock Quality Assurance Requirement. 4-H Livestock Quality Assurance Moodle is a self-directed course designed for youth ages 8-18. Participants will learn about good production practices and producing quality food products from taking this course.

The course has been divided into three levels, Junior (4-H Youth Ages 8-10), Intermediate (4-H Youth Ages 11-14), and Senior (4-H Youth Ages 15-18). Each year youth will be required to complete three modules within their age level. Youth are eligible to work ahead so that they will be done with Quality Assurance requirements until they reach the next age level. Intermediate and Senior 4-Hers may opt to test out.  After passing the test, 4-Hers will not have to complete QA again until they move to the next age level (i.e. Intermediate aging up into Senior level).

Internet access
Email address (each 4-Her will need their own unique email address to register)

Login Link: http://campus.extension.org

How to Register: Information Sheet and YouTube Video